4: Babygirl

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Stepping out of the dorm it was cold, colder than before but feeling the air on my skin was hydrating as cliche as it sounds.

I walked around the castle following the cobble stones along with my fingers, seeing the odd spider scurrying along the floor. If I see one in my dorm, I'm out.

I found my way to a large door. Well I thought it was a door but it didn't seem to have any way to open. It was more of an outline on a wall that went up for metres above me. There was seemingly no way in, so I'm not gonna stand and dawdle in risk of being caught.

I followed up some stairs, more and more, I haven't done this much exercise since getting out of bed this morning. This place had a different vibe. I don't know how to fully describe but it was darker and reflected the moon light.

This room was huge and full of shapes that hung from the ceiling. Large pillars and domes surrounded me and reflected in the moonlight. It was beautiful and despite the fact I was hundreds of metres high, I felt somewhat calm.

Within the middle was a glistening dome which was seemingly the most important thing in the room despite some telescopes. I stared at it for what felt like years, watching the shapes spin around a beautiful hall of light. Of course, I was tempted to touch it, but I wanted to limit the amount I broke on the first day.

I made my way to the railing and couldn't make myself look down. I stared at the stars, silver sparkles that glistened in the dark sky. I was so high up, so free from anyone else and it was enlightening. Like a movie, feeling the breeze in my hair and the chill on my skin was stimulating. I wanted to stay forever. Silence. It was peaceful.

Until it was interrupted.

"Excuse you" said a low voice from behind which scared the absolute shit out of me I thought I'd be over the railing.

Fuck I've been caught, way to go y/n on your first day as-well.

"Sorry I was just"- I turned around hurriedly to see a student frowning at me.

"Oh, I thought you were a teacher" I pointed out.

The tall, dark and handsome student stood a couple feet away from me. Again cliche but he was handsome after all. Though there was a wicked smirk and uncomfortableness about him looking me up and down. His brunette hair slightly swaying in the wind and dark eyes staring at me expectantly.

"What" I said to break the silence.

He chuckled lightly, tongue in cheek and looked back at me as he strolled closer.

"Look baby girl this is my space, so I suggest you leave... quickly" I glared.

Wow great another jackass.

"First of all baby girl? I have a name and second, I don't see your name here anywhere unless I'm missing something"

He narrowed his eyes at me as if I'd just made a big mistake but I wasn't backing down to this guy. I don't know who he thinks he is but if he's not a teacher then who cares.

"You're new, clearly you don't know the astronomy tower is off limits. It's mine" he added.

"I get it, you've got to show your dominance to the new girl, scare her a bit. Who even are you?"

He was getting increasingly close to me and I couldn't avoid his eyes which were glued to my face. He watched every blink, every facial expression I made very closely and the heavy silence and ability to hear both our breathing made it even more intimidating.

"Riddle" he said resting upon the railing facing forward so he bent over slightly and looked around.

"That's your name?"

"My last name" He said.

"Ok you couldn't have given me your first name, or is it a wizard thing?"

He chuckled lightly.

"You ask a lot of questions"

"And you don't give many answers"

I narrowed my eyes at him. What's with these wizards being unable to have a conversation.

" look baby girl you better watch your mouth, you don't even know me" He stood directly in front of me and his quick movement made me jump slightly. Shit, now I've shown some fear but I don't know he could pull out a knife or something, I wouldn't put it past this guy.

"I'm not a fan of this pet name, why don't you ask mine"

"I don't need to ask I already know your name"


"Baby girl" he smirked.

Fucks sake we're not really getting anywhere are we. He could see how cringe I found it, I need to stop wearing my emotions on my face so much because I'm just entertaining him.

"I've been here for less than a day and already know all you boys are the same" I scoffed with a hint of disgust in my words.

"I'll assure you, there's no one here like me" He added leaning back on the railing.

"I've already met one, blondie in the black suit thinks he's king of the world" at this point I would classify this as a conversation as I looked over the hills and stars.

He laughed wickedly.

"Please Malfoy has nothing on me"

Please tell me my whole experience here isn't going to be alpha males being dickheads to try and show their superiority.

"Sounded a lot like you, said similar things too" I laughed.

I laughed but he didn't. It seemed something flipped in him and he stood very very close to me and grabbed my arm leaning me towards the stairs again.

"Look this has been lovely, but I've tolerated you for too long now. This is my space, you don't come up here and don't make small talk. This doesn't make us friends or acquaintances, I'm by myself Thank you bye bye"

"What the fuck" I pulled my wrist out of his tight grip.

"What the hell is wrong with you, you think cause you're a guy you can force me out, don't fucking touch me!" I was actually fuming. Asswipe.

" look love, I can make your life here a living hell so go and meet some new Mudblood friends, you're nothing special. Malfoy maybe a dick but I'm your worst nightmare. Now go to bed, you don't want to miss your lessons in the morning, you will actually need to learn something at some point" and he shot a wicked smile at me.

" you don't have any friends and come up here by yourself at night can't say I'm surprised what with you being an absolute asshole"

He stepped towards me again, applying his physical power he had over me. I tried not to cower under him but don't think I succeeded. There was something about him the felt so genuinely malicious and, I don't know evil? A difference to joker Malfoy who thinks he's the shit.

" I don't do friends"


And with that I stormed past him, brushing his shoulder earning a scoff from him. I ran down the stairs speed-walking with anger in my steps, slightly nervous he'd be following and coming after me for pushing past him. He intimidated me as much as I hate to admit it.

Shit! How do I get back dammit.

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