5: Memorable introductions

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I strolled down a corridor for what seemed like forever. There's not much else to say because it was dark as hell and I couldn't see much apart from some torches on the walls.

I could make out a faint light coming from the end and was followed by a voice that made me physically scream a little.

"Who's there?!" An angry old man shouted.

I froze and didn't know which way to go, left, right? Well I'm not gonna go forward and have a lovely chin wag with the supposed teacher who has just caught me.

I started slowly backing up, with no line of sight and trying not to make a sound.

I suddenly felt a large, forceful hand yank my arm half off into a small room and shut the door quietly. I couldn't see anything, but I could hear breathing.

"Lumos" a voice said behind me and the door in my face was lightened. I adjusted my eyes and turned around to only be startled once again.

Two large boys stood in-front of me. I don't mean large is in fat I mean tall, like really tall. They towered over me. I recognised them immediately as the ginger boys who stared me down when i first arrived.

I went to speak but was immediately shushed by a finger on my lips in which I look completely shocked and emotion was written all over my face. The slightly bulkier one smirked as the softer looking one kept his finger on my lips. Though they were twins, the more I look the more differences I could see.

The softer one was skinnier and this reflected in his facial structure. You could tell by the way he looked he was kind with sincere deep brown eyes and a longer face. His hair was parted in the middle and fell around his cheeks and, unlike his other half, his shoulders were smaller.

On the right of me was an ever so slightly taller and bulkier brother. Though they both towered over me standing at around 6'3 so it didn't really matter. His hair was parted more to the side which shaped his face differently. His nose was bigger but still perfected to his face and he had a curvier upper lip which was predominant as he smirked down at me whispering things through his eyes. I was suddenly, very hot.

I must of been staring for what felt like ages at this point as I think I examined every single freckle on their faces. I heard a noise disappear from the door and I was released by the long finger holding my lips forcefully.

"Sorry about that" The softer one spoke.

"Had to wait for Filch to go past" Added the other.

"Don't want to get caught" they both said this in unison, slightly creeping me out but more because they said in a low voice as to not be too loud.

I stood there in silence, I actually have no words like um hi would you care to explain why I'm in a small closet with you two?

"You're the new girl right y/n?"

"Uh yeh, I saw you two in the hall" I replied

They both looked at each-other without moving their heads and gave each-other smirks. I furrowed my brows, confused at this strange encounter after meeting mr asswipe in the astronomy tower.

"I'm Fred Weasley"

"And I'm George Weasley" they said one after the other.

Ok so I've got some names great, glad to know not everyone goes by last names around here.

"Oh well um, nice to meet you two. Thanks for covering me I guess" I stuttered quite obviously blushing.

"May i ask what you are doing out at this time?" Fred asked crossing his arms smirking with a hint of judgment and humour.

"I could ask you the same thing, I mean you did basically snatch me into a dark cupboard"

"We like to make memorable introductions" George winked at me.

Ok it could be worse. They don't seem like complete assholes but do seem like some more flirts, I'm hoping not everyone is like this. I'm not saying everyone's trying it on but if you're gonna flirt, you might as-well do it nicely instead of trying to assert power over a smaller female because you think you're the shit *cough cough Blondie*. I'm yet to decide what these two are like yet, there's part of me which sees some cockiness but doesn't mean they wouldn't be cool friends. And yeh ok good to look at too fine whatever.

"We're the entertainment at this school, we keep everyone supplied with fun. We're setting up our next prank for the morning".
Fred gestured his wand towards a bucket filled with balloons and some other weird looking liquid that I wasn't fond of exploring.

"Ok then, the jokers, best to stay away from you then" I smirked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh no please, stay as close as you want" Fred laughed with a charming smile as George joined in.

I scoffed, ok now they're flirting I really need to sleep. I rolled my eyes and smiled turning to open the door. As I did one of them piped up.

"Y/n" George said eagerly.

I turned back to face them. He waited for an exaggerated amount of time before smirking and telling me:

"Don't walk under the staircase closest to the Slytherin dorm room tomorrow morning"

I looked down at the balloons and bucket, smiled and looked at them both individually nodding before turning to leave.

As I walked out the door I realised I still don't know where I'm going. Fucksake now I'm gonna have to do that embarrassing thing after waking out. Screw it im tired and quickly swung my head in the door to meet with them arranging their things. I went to open my mouth but was swiftly cut off.

"Corridor on the left" they both said in unison.

"Thankyou" I smiled and nodded as a gesture of my appreciation to the fact they knew the whole time I had no clue what I was doing. At least they were helpful and didn't practically spit on me when I was in a weaker situation. I won't forget their helpfulness, they were sweet.

I headed back out the door after only saying one word and found my way to familiarity from the corridor on the left. I was lucky I wasn't caught on my first day. I guess I owe them one. I made it back to my dorm and flopped into bed. A new place was going to take some getting used to but at this point I was too tired to unpack or change. I cleaned my teeth and went to bed in my uniform. They were going to be creased in the morning but oh well that's a tomorrow problem to work on.

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