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Above is Andrew



As both girls looked forward, they sighted Gabriel, Andrew and Jason on the school's corridor and April walking towards them. Gab grabbed April's hand dragging her down the hall way into a classroom.

"I guess they overheard everything." Emy wore a faint smile with her arms folded under her chest.

"Whatever." Mary dismissed, "I'm not comfortable here." She got up, saying nothing further, she left having her self esteem punctured on.

"Mary! Mary please,stop!!" Andrew called out, running after her as she left the field in ire. He finally caught up with her as he took charge of her hand.

"What?" she yelled trying to let loose of his grip. "What do you want? Isn't it obvious that the likes of me can't be seen with the likes of you in Cleavon high? I know I may not be as beautiful as the likes of April in school but, does she have to rub it in my face just because I agreed to be your girlfriend?" she yelled again, rubbing that stubborn tears that rolled down her cheek "I like you Andrew, I really do. From the first day I knew you but, why me Andrew, why did you choose me to be your girlfriend?" She asked in pain "Let go of me, Andrew." she pushed him of.

But Andrew held firm and drew her close to him, hugging her. "I won't let you go." He said still hugging her. "I asked you to be my girlfriend because I like you, you are beautiful and you possess a unique quality that I've never seen in a girl. Forget April and all she said, please." He pleaded with his voice laced with sincerity "Now, will you please smile, I won't go anywhere I'll be for you, ok?" He said smiling, releasing his hold on her "let's go get something to eat." And they walked down together to the diner right across the school.

"What do you think you were doing, huh?" Gab scolded April; "Do you find it pleasing to hurt other people's feeling?" He asked extremely infuriated. Andrew was his best friend and April had just imposed on something that made him happy.

"Please Gabriel save your lectures for who gives a shit, like you do any better. Honey, we both act alike especially when it comes to hurting people's feelings. The only difference is, you exercise yours at home where nobody can see you and judge you while I," she smiled at Gab, pulling a seat closer to her, then sit "-exercise mine in school where everybody can see me and judge me as they wish." She said crossing her legs and looking away.

Confused, Gabriel furrowed his brow, trying to make out the words she just said to him "What do you mean April?"

"Pu-lea-zzz, don't play that righteous card with me, ok. Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about. I have seen the way you treat Julie and how you hurt her feelings every time. So darling, I guess you also find it pleasing to hurt people too. So, don't take this personal. At least I'm not an hypocrite like you." April informed, letting out a ridiculous snigger "Speaking of which, I think Emy is robbing off on that Mary girl." pretending to be thinking hard, she added "I don't know why I hate her, she seems odd with bad energy. I think----"

"Shut up April," He yelled, causing April to flinch.

"Leave Julie out of this and also stay away from my best friend's relationship, ok? Don't you dare talk about Emy too. For the record, we are done. This so called relationship is over." Gab said with anger laced on his voice then, he stormed out of the classroom provoked. Like a bomb ready to explode, he passed Emy without acknowledging her and drove home.

On getting home, Gabriel didn't respond to Julie's greetings he didn't even bother to grace her with his famous death glare, he just went straight to his room and slammed the door shut behind him.

It's 8:00pm and the weather was very cold. The rain threatened to pour heavily as the cool wind invaded through the open kitchen window at Emy's home. Mary hurriedly shut the windows to keep it out.

"I guess you and Andrew are good now?" Emy asked Mary as she walked into the kitchen to take drinks from the refrigerator.

"Yes we are, Emy." Mary replied. Making her way to the living room couch, she heard a beep sound from the left pocket of the crazy blue Jean she wore. Quickly, she took out the phone to check, it was a text from Andrew. She smiled uncontrollably as she punctured some keys on her touch screen.

"Mary dear, are you still texting him? You get to see him every day." Emy said handing a bottle of Coke to her.

"Yes I know Emy, I miss him every moment I don't see him." She sighed, with her eyes so dreamy, she dropped her phone on the table in front of her.

Emy sat beside Mary; she picked up the remote on the table and switched on the television. "Andrew really likes you." She told her. "And you are happy with him. It's a good thing." She meant it sincerely. "As for me, after Austin, I've not been approached by any guy. It's like I'm invisible or will I say I'm out of the dating world in this era."

Stretching her legs on the table and sipping the bottle of coke she held. "How about Gabriel" Mary asked with all seriousness facing Emy.

Emy heart faltered hearing the name Gabriel, still she tried not to show it and she asked, "What about him?" She looked away from Mary's direction.

"I see the way you look at him and him, you. Do you have feelings for him?" An innocent question that seemed to bring back old memories. The one memory that brought her to this point she is.

"Are you out of your mind?" Emy asked rhetorically, "I can't have feelings for another girl's guy." Emy said dropping her legs off the table.

"You mean another girl's ex guy?" Mary elaborated almost quietly. "Says who Emy? Well if it's not you then it has to be him who has feelings for you, don't you agree?" Mary said smiling at Emy.

"Whatever Babe, Emy stood up. I'm going to bed, goodnight." Emy greeted and then left Mary in the living room.

"Yeah goodnight I'll join you later." Mary replied. "Pfff----, that's how she gets when she's running away from fact." Mary pondered. She stretched out her hands and yawned tiredly.

In her room, Emy reached into her pink purse and took out the rumpled paper Gab drew on and straightened it out on her reading table. She opened her laptop and clicked open a folder saved on the desktop.

The folder opened up and there it was, the drawing on Gab's paper was more visible and colorful on Emy's laptop screen "He remembers!" She exclaimed, "Could it be--" fixing her eyes on the screen again "To be sure, I need to find out what he remembered."



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