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Above 👆 is a beautiful cover made by my sweet sister  Eddy622

If you are in need of a good book cover that portray your story,  check out her cover shop. Eddy cover shop



“A minute!” Julie said to whoever was knocking on  the door as  she hurriedly approached it.

When she was finally close to the door, she placed her hands on the knob and twisted it open. “Emy! Oh, come in.” She exclaimed, making way for Emy to go in.

“Thank you, Aunty Julie.” Emy smiled walking in.

“You are welcome dear." Julie replied.

“Wow ma' am, you are looking beautiful as ever.” A compliment Emy thought she could try.

“Thank you Emy and so do you. I hear your parents are in town. How are they?”

“They are fine thanks.” Emy replied.

“Please, sit.” Julie offered. Stretching forth her left arm and pointing to a couch. This gave Emy a clear view of the Ring she wore on her life thumb

Emy stared at the ring a while and then returned her gaze to Julie who was still smiling at her.

Julie had never tried to hide the ring before and it’s not like Emy had not seen it before on her but, she had never actually seen the symbol on the ring as clear as she did now.

“Lovely ring aunty Julie.” Emy complemented.

“Uhh, thanks. It was my Grandmother’s; she gave it to me before she passed. My mother still do not understand why her mother gave me the family ring instead of her.” Julie chuckled as she looked down at the ring

“But do you?” She asked curiously.

“Of course I do, Grandmothers always love their Grandchildren more than their own children. They just want to do everything for them and give them anything.” She told Emy and they both burst into laughter.

“Funny, my dad implied the same thing.” Emy paused to say.

“That means he is a victim too.” She watched as Emy finally sat down “Let me get Gab for you.” she said

“O thanks ma'am but no. It's you I came to see.”

“Me? I hope no problem?” Julie worried.

“No problem at all.” Emy assured.

Julie sat calmly. “OK so what is it then?” She asked.

“I came to ask if I could join you set up the party. I'm less busy and I taught I could learn one or two things from you.”

Julie secretly exhaled in relief. She couldn't tell why all of a sudden she felt uneasy. She hoped she was wrong. She wished that the choking feeling had to be wrong because, Emy was human. And she felt guilty for feeling that way. “Oh, that will be wonderful Emy. Of course you can join me. What about school?” Julie asked.

“I'll meet you there after school.”

“OK then, I'll see you tomorrow afternoon.” Julie said with a smile enough to conceal her worried state. Maybe she was just being a little on edge, after Roe invaded her home.

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