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"I guess school is over." Emy exhaled, clearing the field with her friends.

"I guess too." Gabriel replied, bending over to pick up a piece of used paper laying on the grass.

“Mary!” Emy called out, hurling the hair covering her face to the side. Gabriel instantly noticed the dark ash that escaped her flipped hair, he thought his visions were playing tricks on him again, then; Emy fixed her gaze on him and smiled.

Gabriel, immediately felt Goosebumps all over his body, he hasn’t felt this way around her before. As much as he tried not to conclude on what the cause may be, it looked like he already did.

He felt  his left arm burning as if set ablaze. But, there was no visible fire. This is odd.  Attempting to conceal the bizarre pain he felt.  He knew he needed to speak with Julie and fast.  Then he heard Emy say,

"I’m going to Jason’s. I volunteered to assist Aunt Julie.” She told Mary.

"You didn't tell me," Mary said dropping the nylon of trash she held. "I would have informed Julie too so I can help in setting up."

“I'm sorry Mary.” Emy apologized. “Since we won't be working for the pay, I'm sure Julie won't mind using an extra hand.”

"Then I'll come with you."

Not like Emy could successfully convince her friend not to tag along so, she simply flashed Mary a harmless smile and nodded.


Gabriel rushed to the men's room. To make sure it was all empty, he opened each door to check.

"Hey watch it bro." He earned himself a student wrathful warning. Gabriel apologized for invading his private Time and watched him storm out of the privy, completely ignoring his apology and without suffering to wash his hands.

The burns were still hurting him. He hurried down to the sink close to the wall, placing his burnt flesh underneath the faucet. He turned the regulator and allow the cool water soothe his injury. And just immediately, he regretted his decision. The water intensified his affliction. If he had known, he wouldn't have poured water on it.

The pain increased. His whole body was on fire. Gabriel let out an agonizing wail whilst attempting to rip off his shirt. The air knocked out of his lungs, cutting off his pain-filled cries. He called out to his mom, but his scratchy whispers went unheard. His salty tears ran down the side of his face as his sight faded. The room grew dark as Gabriel’s life was sucked out of his body.

"So this is how it feels when a man dies." Gabriel thought to himself as he watched his lifeless body laying helplessly on the bathroom floor.

A scratching noises filled the men's toilet where he stood, the sound irritated his ears so much so, he made a useless attempt to block out the noise with his hands.

There was only one person who could explain this phenomenon but, how was he going to communicate with her?

The noise drew louder as it echoed. He ran behind a toilet door hiding and peeping through a hole on the door.

He saw the same dark ashes he had seen on Emy fill the room like a fog, making it a bit difficult for him to see. But then he managed to spot a giant volcanic rock, moving like a man towards his inert body and some other lesser ones with him too. He could spot three other figures, they look more of humans than those rocky things but he couldn't clearly see who they were.

He pinned his head hard on the door to identify the humans and being a ghost that he was, he passed through the door and out of hiding, he was.

The fog gathered together behind them, forming a swirl shaped door way.The giant one picked up his body and then, they all walked right into the fog. He watched the fog close in and vanish.

Gabriel was astonished, mystified even at what he'd just witnessed . He walked to where his body was laid and noticed burnt mark on the floor, same like the one he and Julie saw in the house. He had never seen a Fiend before but he knew for sure that they were vicious.

What was he going to do? He ran through the door down to the hallway hoping his friends could see him. Finally, he found Andrew standing in front of his locker, he ran to him yelling his name but what was he thinking? Andrew slammed shut his locker and walked out of the hall.

The only place to go was home. He hope Julie could help him.


Who could this human be?

Find out the n the next chapter

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Words (830)

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