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Above is Gem



The curators were still debating on how Julie failed as a mother. Their conversation just kept on going round and round that singular topic, almost causing Julie to lose her mind.

She held tight unto her mother’s hand, sobbing. Could it be true? Could she have failed? Fingers were pointing at her without mercy and Gabriel was in trouble because of her mistake.

Breaking the ice, Gem hissed loudly “Ssssshhhhh!!!” The room fell silent at once that Gem could hear her sound bouncing back into her ears. “Listen.” She raised her left hand in the air while moving her eyes round the room.

“Arrghhh!” Julie cried painfully holding her left chest pressing hard on her mother’s laps. “Arrghhh!” she cried again. The ache was identical to what she had felt at the church, but this time, she felt her energy draining. Some one had impaled the barrier she placed over her house again only this time, the runes where rendered useless.

The protection spell was to protect her family and properties from the Fiends. When Lucy was alive, she made sure her husband and son were secured. Performing a ritual, Lucy used her blood which signified her power's energy source to strengthen her spell. Despite being one of the hardiest curator, the Fiends still found a way to get to her.

After her death, Julie refurbished the protection spell Lucy had done. Using one of the most risky enchantment in her grandmother's spell book, Forbidden Language. This book was a collection of black magic, one, most dangerous than the other and without her mother's knowledge, she alone made the choice.

Bearing the risk in mind, she modified the blood ritual, using her energy source as both a protective barrier over her home and a Link between her and her new family. With this, she would  be alarmed if anything was to go  wrong with them or the house. The side effects was dreadful and now, she felt the depth of it.

“Juliana, Juliana.” Her mother called.

“Mo-m-ma.” She managed to say.

“Something is not right at her home, she needs to get home, now.” Her mother announced.

“Gabriel’s body is being buried we need to find him or we’ll lose him.” Gem informed “Wayne,” she called “Can you track him?”

“Yes” he replied. He moved closer to Julie and sniffed her like a dog would and his eyes fell Blue, different from the curators white color eye change.

“Gabriel is in the middle of the woods close to Cleavon’s border.” He paused and stared at Julie who’s head was buried on her mother’s skirt “Gabriel is home with a man.”

Julie, ignoring the excruciating pain, raised her head “My Gabby is home?” she asked regardless.

“Not your Gabby. Gem will take you home. Your mother and I will go bring Your Gabby back.” He said as his eyes fell normal which was darker and scarier than when they were blue.


“Focus boy.” the old man said to Gabriel who was complaining endlessly since their serpentine travel through space.

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