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Above Is Julie



Gabriel walked straight into the kitchen to fix something to eat. When he finally did, he then went into the living room and made himself comfortable on the long couch directly opposite the flat screen TV.

He picked up the  TV remote control that was on the glass centre table in front of him. And Just as he switched on the TV with it, Julie walked in. 

“Hi Julie.” Gab acknowledged.

"Hey Gab you are home already?” she asked rhetorically “I got a call from Mrs. O’Donnell and she asked me to see her tomorrow. Thank you for speaking on my behalf.” She said expressing her gratitude.

“You are welcome, Julie but it is nothing.” He replied smiling at her and then, shifted his gaze to the TV.

“I don’t mean to pry but,” she said softly as she sat on the Sofa “You’ve been having nightmares lately. Do you mind telling me what they are about?” Julie asked cautiously. She had rehearsed on many ways to ask of his dream. And now, she so hoped she didn't offend him with her question.

“Hmm.” Gab exhaled, dropping his plate of sandwich on the table.

He had promised his dad not to make things too difficult for Julie and in doing so, he had developed a soft spot for her. But, was he ready to open up his fears to her?

He wasn’t sure if he was ready to tell anyone yet but he so, desperately wanted to understand them.

“We'll,” He began “It’s true I’ve been having bad dreams.” Gab admitted. He decided not to hold back the dream from Julie. He knew he had to tell someone and he figured Julie may be that 'someone', maybe. 

He adjusted his waist on the couch, turning so he was completely facing her direction.

“It felt real, you know, the dream.I was standing in a place, a hollow place. It was dark, empty and dreadfully hot.

In front of me was a ginormous gate but behind the gate was a desolate land. I felt alone, forgotten.

And just as I stopped screaming my lungs out and hitting the huge gate, a shadowy figure that look like a hand charged swiftly towards me like it was coming to rip my face off my neck then there was this voice.

It sounded like multiple people talking at once in a language I couldn’t decipher, not until today. The voice became thicker and the arm charged faster but this time, I just stood there, motionless.

I was so scared I thought I died that second. Then, like smoke, it went through me, out of the gate and just like that, the huge gate gave a rusty sound as if it has been shut for millenniums. Then, it swung open.”

Julie felt cold chills running through her spine, her legs felt numb as she gasped “Oh my God, Momma was right!” She exclaimed under her breath.

“Hmm!” He raised his brows at her, unable to pick up what she said.

“S-so it more like you’re saying, the shadowy arm opened the gate?” she asked secretly terrified. It wasn’t a good idea for Gabriel to see how terrified she was.

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