Öga for Öga

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Diego pulled the last sharp object from Elliott's body and Luther covered him with a blanket.

"I can't believe Elliott's dead," Luther grimaced.

"He was a good guy," Diego said quietly. "Deserved better than this."

"Yeah," Luther agreed.

"Elliott must've been getting too close to the truth," Diego commented, looking over the railing. "It smells like the feds."

"What? Are you out of your mind?" Luther asked bewildered. "Diego, if this was the federal government, they would take him somewhere and question him. They wouldn't... do this. No, this is the work of a psychopath."

"Oga Foroga," Diego read. "That a name?"

Luther walked over to where he was and looked at the writing on the floor, "Oga Foroga. I'll look her up."

Both walked over to the kitchen and Luther grabbed the phonebook, searching for the name.

"Holy shit, I found her. Olga Foroga. That must be her."

"Call the bitch," Diego said seriously.

"On it," Luther said, reaching for the phone and dialing the number. "It's ringing."

Diego got closer to the phone so he could hear the conversation.

"Uh, hello Olga?" Luther asked uncertainly. "It's her. She sounds old," he whispered. "Excuse me, ma'am. Um, I was just wondering -- what? My name? Is, uh, Luther Hargreeves, and -"

Diego grabbed the phone out of Luther's hand, "You killed one of ours, Olga, now we're coming after you. You will be dead by nightfall."

"What are you doing?" Em asked in shock, walking into the room.

"We found Olga," Luther explained.

"What?" Em yanked the phone out of Diego's hand and pushed him aside. "Hello ma'am, it appears my sons have gotten a hold of the phone again. I'm so sorry for the disturbance, it was all a horrible joke -- yes they'll be properly punished. It won't happen again."

She ended the call with a sigh before looking at them, "I can't leave you two alone for five minutes? Öga for Öga is swidish for 'an eye for an eye'. The Swedes killed Elliott, I thought you knew that!"

"She's right, idiots," Five stated, shaking his head and taking off his jacket.

"We would've gotten there," Luther said nervously.

"Eventually," Diego nodded.

"You are soaked in blood," Em noted, looking at Five as he walked from one room to the other.

"Five, what did you do?" Luther asked concerned.

"So I found a way home," Five says, after washing his face.

"What? How?" Luther asked curiously.

"All the details are irrelevant," Five stated, rearranging his clothes. "But... I made a deal to get back to our timeline."

"What about doomsday?" Diego asked curiously.

"Won't happen," Five stated firmly.

"And the 2019 apocalypse?" Luther asked with a raised brow.

"Everything will be back to normal," Five said impatiently. "All right? Now, no more questions. We gotta go."

"So, we're going home," Em muttered with a soft smile on her face.

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