The Seven Stages

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Four years prior...

"My name's Em and I'm an addict," Em told the group.

"Hi Em," they answered in unison.

"This week was really stressful for me," Em explained. "And... uh, there was this tipping point where I saw, hm... I saw a woman hit on my boyfriend in the supermarket, and I- uh- ha I felt worthless again. All those empty emotions, the pain, the loneliness... it all came back all at once. My insecurities were the only thing on my mind. I- I just wanted it to stop, I wanted an escape, so I called my old dealer and bought a baggy of cocaine. I had it in my apartment, in my hands when my boyfriend-" she looked over at Diego sitting beside her with a reassuring smile "He caught me and we talked it out for a moment. Because of this man, I am sitting here six months sober today."

Diego held her hand in his, squeezing it, "I'm proud of you" he muttered softly.


"Now what?" Luther asked dejectedly.

"Now nothing, Luther, all right?" Five snapped, pacing around the alley. "Make your peace with God."

"What?" Luther asked incredulously. "What about Allison and Vanya?"

"Screw them both," Five said seriously. "They should have been here."

"What about Diego?" Klaus groaned, sitting up. "He's quite a responsible young man, no?"

"Something must've happened to them," Luther said worriedly as Five kicked a trash bag.

"Screw Diego, all right?" Five said angrily. "Screw everybody!"

"Em?" Luther asked, noticing she didn't try defending her husband.

"What?" Em asked blankly. "For all I know he's fucking someone else right now, so I agree with Five. Screw him."

"What?" Luther asked confusedly.

"Diego's cheating on you?" Klaus asked a little move awake.

"Lila? He went after Lila?" Five asked incredulously.

"He wouldn't tell me where he went, what do you think?" Em asked dryly.

"He's an idiot," Five said shaking his head.

"Someone tell me what's going on," Klaus said with confusion in his eyes.

"Diego threw his entire relationship for a crazy chick that's with the bad guys," Luther explained, crossing his arms.

"And our sisters lost us our ticket home. Idiots!" Five snapped, passing a hand over his face. "I was better off on my own in the apocalypse."

"Five! C'mon," Luther said seriously.

"You know what, Luther?" Five asked, aggressively pointing at his brother. "It's every sibling for himself now. How 'bout that?"

"Did Five just get meaner?" Klaus whimpered when the door closed behind the boy.

"Klaus, Em, go check on Allison, ok? Make sure she's ok." Luther instructed. "Find the others and we'll meet back here. I'll handle Five."

Em helped Klaus up and he turned to the pile of vomit, "And you, you have had your possession privileges revoked."

"I regret nothing," Ben assured from within the vomit.

"Let's go, Klaus," Em said hooking her arm on his.

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