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1) We got to the end of the road but don't be sad, if you want more doses of Em/Diego I have a surprise for you. I've decided to create a one-shots book for this story, it won't be updated regularly but as you're reading this there should already be a few chapters posted. I named it Subject 001 Aftermath so look for that on my profile and you should find it. I encourage you to read it especially if you want to know what happens next. It is a secondary book so I'll only really update it when I have something for it while I work on my primary projects.

2) My next project is a Loki fanfic called Goddess of Darkness so keep an eye out if you're interested in reading that. The first chapter should be posted soon. Uploaded.


Now that the announcements are done, I'd like to thank you guys for reading my first published story. I appreciate everyone who takes the time out of their day to read something I wrote, thank you. I read every comment and notice every vote and I appreciate them very much.

I wanted to leave this chapter for you guys to ask whatever questions you have about the book as to not spoil it for those who haven't read it yet, so ask away and I'll do my best to answer them.

From now on I'll probably only update this book to correct spelling mistakes.


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