The Swedish Job

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"These are really good," Elliott commented, eating a cupcake.

"Thanks," Em said, nodding. She was stress-cleaning the kitchen. "There's something wrong," she stated, drying her hands and walking to the door.

"What?" Elliott asked curiously, not moving from his spot.

"Diego," Em gasped at the image of Lila holding up an unconscious Diego on the other side of the door.

Em hurried and helped Lila take him to the couch.

"Do you have a metal rod or something we can heat up?" Lila asked Elliott.

"What for?" Em asked in astonishment, ripping open Diego's shirt to expose the stab wound.

"To cauterize the wound, you idiot," Lila spat urgently.

"We don't need to," Em rolled her eyes, putting her hands over Diego's wound and healing it. "There, all done," she told him quietly.

Lila stared at Em with wide eyes, "What the f-"

"Don't start," Em said impatiently. "I need a clean rag and some water to clean up the blood."

"S-sure, yeah," Elliott mumbled, scrambling to grab what she asked for.

"Thank you," Em said, accepting the items from Elliott's hands and starting to clean the blood from Diego's skin.

Five blinked into the place and sighed, "Oh. He isn't dead."

"Disappointed?" Lila asked mockingly.

"Oh, to see you? Always," Five said with a smile.

"You're hurt," Em noted, getting up from being kneeled on the floor.

"It's nothing," Five mumbled.

"Shut up," Em muttered, putting her hand to his hurt neck.

"Ouch," Five snapped, pulling away from her hand.

"Oops," Em said innocently, forcefully pulling him back so she could heal him. "Maybe it won't hurt when you learn to be a good brother," she shrugged, walking back to Diego.

"That bad, huh?" Five asked, motioning to Diego's unconscious body.

"No," Em said with a sigh, caressing Diego's head. "I'm letting him sleep, he needs to rest his mind."

"How did he even end up back here?" Five asked curiously.

"She followed you," Em said, motioning to Lila.

"Snitch," Lila mumbled.

"And you let her?" Five asked Em with a raised brow.

"Was I supposed to keep her here?" Em asked, furrowing her brows. "It doesn't matter, help me take Diego to bed."

Five huffed but helped Em and Lila drag, Diego, into the bedroom and onto the bed.

"Goodnight," Em said as Five and Lila closed the door behind them.

Em carefully stripped Diego to his underwear and tucked him in, leaving his clothes folded o the dresser. She stripped to her underwear, leaving her clothes next to his, and got into bed.

"Princess?" Diego asked groggily, barely awake.

"It's late, we should get some sleep," Em mumbled, giving him a quick kiss.

Diego inhaled happily, "I love you."

"I love you too," Em said softly, snuggling closer to him.

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