The Majestic 12

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18-year-old Em slept on the floor of her small white room, it was empty except for a handful of books neatly stacked in the corner. The usual routine started for the day when one of the scientists opened the heavy metal door, startling Em awake. She jumped to her feet, trying to look as presentable as one could when wearing a hospital gown.

The day was the same as always, more tests, the medical kind. Blood samples for some kind of drug, she'd heard about the testing and the "accidents" it caused.

As the hours passed Em started to wonder why they hadn't killed her yet, she shrugged the thought off as she was escorted to a new testing room. Em's eyes widened at the contraption, an upright board with straps to hold her and in front of it an open coffin with hundreds of different sized nails pointed out.

"What's this?" Em muttered, her voice hoarse. There was something about that torture device that was too much for her, she was fearful and unwilling to partake in that experiment. Her protests and noncompliance were met with force and anger.

Em would usually yield, but not that day, that day was different. Her fear turned to anger, her eyes glowed and all of a sudden everyone around her was crushed against the walls by some sort of shield. Em looked at her hands and the bloody walls in shock, but there wasn't time; she had to leave. Em ran out of the room, passed several corridors with people, but no one could stop her. The white walls of the facility were painted red as her blind rage and new powers got the best of her. She didn't know where she was going, her feet guided her until she stumbled into an office.

"Subject 001," a man muttered from his chair, behind the desk. "Has no one taught you to knock?"

Em recognized him, the sly smirk, the narcissistic attitude, finding all too much joy in her pain.

"Mr. Declan," she said with disgust.

Declan H. Wright was present in most of Em's testings when she was a child, he commanded all operations, he laughed when she screamed. He started it all.

Declan chuckled, watching Em's start to glow, "Would you like to know about your parents?"

Em's defenses fell, she'd always wondered about them, maybe she could get answers.

"Good girl," Declan noted as Em dropped her arms to her sides. "Now, what is your plan exactly, Subject? You kill everyone, escape, then what? You have nowhere to go, no one, not even a name-"

"I have a name!" Em spat angrily.

"Oh?" Declan chuckled mockingly.

Em closed her fists, taking a menacing step towards him.

"Don't you want to hear about your parents?" Declan asked, leaning against his chair.

Em relaxed her stance and Declan motioned for her to sit on the chair in front of him.

"Very well," he said once she didn't move. "Your parents, well, your mother gave birth unexpectedly on October 1st, 1989. They were a young couple, hoping to have children so when you came along they thought you were a miracle, sent from God," Declan chuckled. "But that wasn't true, now was it? No, before you even uttered your first word they knew. They saw the monster you truly are and they begged me to take you, to kill you and I did, again and again. But you just won't stay dead!" He reached a hand under the table. "Such an inhuman little creature, a murderous monster, evil to the very core. Who would want such a disgusting, unnatural, thing? You're a monster and always will be!"

Subject 001Where stories live. Discover now