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I'm Jessica Wilson. I am 16 years old and I was transferred from the Beuxbatons school in Hogwarts. It's my first day at Hogwarts in a week.

When I was younger my parents used spells on me for example "crucio" or "stupefy". It left wounds and pain.

After a while, I stopped feeling pain. Only little scratches remained.

I also have a brother, Jacob. He is my twin,  but did not defend me when my parents tortured me.

When I stopped feeling pain I stopped feeling many feelings, especially love. I will never and never feel that.

I have a cut across my nose that has been standing since I was 5 years old.

When I stopped feeling pain, my parents went crazy. They started using deadly spells. Then I realized I couldn't even die.

I am one day. managed to escape from the house and go to the police. My parents are in Askaban now.

That year Jacob went to Hogwarts and I to Beauxbatons.  We didn't want to go to the same school.

This year I received a letter from Dumbledore. He said he wanted me to move to Hogwarts because they needed me. I didn't know for what, but I agreed.

Nobody's pov

At Hogwarts ...

Dumbledore approached Slytherin's desk. He came to Jacob. "Mr. Wilson" said "yes?" Jacob said “I want to tell you that your sister Jessica will be transferred to Hogwarts "Dumbledore said." What ?! no, she can't come, she's a psychopath "Jacob said" Mr. Wilson please don't talk like that about your sister, she's powerful and we need her here "Dumbledore said.

Jacob was sitting with his friends. Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, and Tom and Mattheo Riddle. Fred and George approached Jacob. They only talked to him about Jessica because they were her best friends when they were younger. "Hey Wilson does Jess really come here" Fred said "yes "Jacob said and the twins left right away.

" You have a sister "Draco said" I have a twin sister "Jacob said" why didn't you tell us before "Blaise said" because I'm trying to forget her "Jacob said" she's a psychopath? "Tom said." no, but I don't like her. She started playing with knives when she was five, she has more strength in her than anyone here, and she knows how to fight, she broke my arm once. "Jacob said.

Everyone was silent.

Tomorrow at dinner

Jessica's pov

I arrived at Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall waited for me "oh Jessica dear welcome" McGonagall said "thank you" I said and smiled. I treated people older than me nicely. Those who are good to me. "you wait here, when you hear your name you come in. "McGonagall said.

Some children came and went into the big room. Then I saw two tall red-haired boys." Freddie, Georgie, "I said and laughed.

Fred and George were my best friends when I was was younger.They knew what my parents were doing to me and they always comforted me and Molly healed my wounds.

"I missed you guys, a lot" I said and hugged them "and we missed you Jess" they said. stood Ron Ginny and another boy and one girl. "hey Ron" I said and hugged and him "you're finally taller then me" I said "oh shut up Jess" Ron said "hi Ginny" I said and hugged her "hi Jess how are you" she said "great" I said

"I'm Harry Potter" the boy said "I'm Hermione Granger" girl said "Jessica Wilson" I said "Wilson, like Jacob Wilson" Harry said. My face fell. "yes he's my stupid twin brother" I said "hey don't worry" Fred said

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