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I went to the Astronomy Tower. I thought Mattheo would be there. But he wasn't there.

How stupid I am. I was mad at him and he wasn't guilty. What if he doesn't want to forgive me. I didn't want to listen to him. Now he won't want to listen to me.

It was cloudy. I looked at the view. I happened to look down. I saw Mattheo sitting next to a tree and smoking. I went down with the Astronomy Tower. I met Alice.

“Hey Jess” she said “sorry Alice isn’t the right time” I said and walked past her. I passed Harry, Hermione, Ron and the twins "Jessica-" Harry said. I kept walking. "Jessica!" Fred said "what ?! what are you going to tell me ?! will you say sorry it was for your own good ?!" I said.

They were silent. I saw a group of Slytherins coming from the other side. There were Tom and Draco. "or you will tell me that Mattheo is not good for you" I said "Mattheo is not good for you, he is the son of a wizard who tried to kill you" Fred said "and I am the person who will kill that wizard" I said. I turned and walked out.

I heard the others following me but paid no attention. When I came out I turned around and no one was there. I approached Mattheo. He raised his head and looked at me. "I'm leaving," he said and stood up. I grabbed his hand. "No," I said. Mattheo stopped.

"I found out what happened that day," I said. Mattheo looked me in the eye. "I saw everything" I said "I know the truth. You love me?" I said. The rain started to fall.

"answer me!" I said "please" I said now calmly "yes! Okay yes! and-" he said "I love you too" I said. Rain was pouring down our faces. "you do?" Mattheo said "yes" I said. I approached him

“I love you Mattheo” I said “I love you Jessica” he said. We kissed. Mattheo pulled back. "you don't know how long I've been waiting for this" he said "me too" I said and pulled him into another kiss. He put his hands on my face and I put my arms around his neck. It was still raining and we were soaking wet. I withdrew. Mattheo and I had huge smiles on our faces.

“I’ve never felt happier than I do now” Mattheo said.


Everyone were watching the scene outside. "Okay none of us want this" Tom said "we have to separate them" Harry said "Harry!" Hermione said "do you see Jessica finally laughing" Hermione said "I see Hermione but they can't be together" Harry said "you're so stupid" she said

"he's right Hermione, I'm sure you'd rather see Jessica with someone else "Ron said" what's wrong with my brother "Tom said" oh nothing he's just son of Voldemort "Ron said" oh sorry Weasley "Tom said angrily.

"if you want it to work we have to work together" Fred said "you're really going to do it"Hermione said "of course mudblood" Draco said "Malfoy!" George said

"we'll tell Jessica that Mattheo was under a love potion, you tell Mattheo that Jessica was under a love potion" Fred said "that's a stupid plan but we'll try" Tom said. "Now go all, they're coming" George said.

Mattheo's pov

we ran towards the school and held hands. I am very happy. This really happened. We went through empty hallways. We reached the common room. Jessica looked at me

“what” I said. She kissed me on the cheek. I smiled “you need to laugh more often” she said “you too” I said. We entered the common room. There was no one.

"where is everyone" Jessica said "I have no idea" I said "it's not time for dinner yet" I said. Jessica pulled my hand toward the women's dormitories. "Jessica?" I said

"come on Theo" she said.


When she told Theo it made my heart dance. God, what did a girl do to me? We went into her room. Jessica took the towel “here” she said and gave me the towel.

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