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First thank you so much for 280 readers I know it's not a lot but it means a lot to me

Jessica's pov

woke up in the morning. The bed was empty. Where is Mattheo. I got dressed and went down to the common room. Alice was there

"hey how are you" Alice said "great, let's go to breakfast" I said. Why did Mattheo left. We sat down when we arrived.

Mattheo Tom and Draco came in and sat down at the table. I looked at Mattheo and he looked at me.

"Jessica!" Alice said "um ... what" I said. "let's go to class" Alice said "ugh okay" I said. We headed to the Transfiguration classroom (I don’t think I wrote well) with McGonagall.

I went in and sat down. Alice sat next to me. The class has begun. These classes are always boring. I looked around and saw Mattheo.

I tore a sheet from the notebook and wrote "why did you leave last night. J" I whispered the spell and only he could read it. I tossed the paper while no one was looking. Mattheo picked up the paper that was next to his feet.

Mattheo's pov

I opened the paper "why did you leave last night. J" it said "why would someone send you a blank piece of paper" Draco whispered "it's not empty" I said "yes" Draco said.

Then I realized that Jessica used the magic on it. "not important" I said. I took a pen. I wrote something. I looked behind me.

I was sitting in the third bench by the window. Jessica was sitting in the last bench in the middle row. I looked around and threw the paper back.

Jessica's pov

Mattheo threw the paper back. He fell at my feet. I picked it up and opened it. "Because Draco and Tom would wonder where I am. Jealous princess? M.R." it was written.

Mattheo looked at me and smirked. I smiled and rolled my eyes. The class is over. I walked out of the classroom and headed for my next class

“Astronomy Tower, tonight at seven” Mattheo whispered in my ear and walked past me. I smiled.

Time has skipped.

The time now is 18:45. I changed from my uniform. I headed for the Astrnomy Tower. I climbed upstairs and opened the door.

Mattheo stood by the fence. I approached him and hugged him from behind. "hey princess" he said and turned to me and hugged me.

I looked at him and pressed my lips with his soft one. I put my arms around his neck.

"well well well ..." I heard a voice and quickly pulled back. I looked up and saw Lucius and Bellatrix again. Fucking again.

"You called them?" I said and looked at him "what. No. I swear I'm not Jessica" Mattheo said "what will your dad say when he finds out you're kissing Potter he wants to kill" Lucius said Mattheo.

I looked at him again. He pulled me behind him. "don't come near" Mattheo said and pulled out his wand. "oh young love how wonderful ..." Bellatrix said.

"I'm serious," Mattheo said. "Come on Matthew give us Potter" Lucius said "never!" Mattheo said. Lucius and Bellatrix began to approach.

Mattheo turned to me and grabbed my arm. The next second we were in someone's room "bloody hell" I heard and turned around. I saw Harry Ron Fred and George talking

“I hate to say this but she has to be with you tonight and protect her death eaters are behind her again” Mattheo said and disappeared. “Jessica are you okay” Harry said “yes” I said.

Fred and George came up to me “don’t worry our room is free” Fred said. I smiled and rolled my eyes. "No I don't think she better stay here" Harry said "Come on Harry" George said "no she stays here" Harry said "okay" The twins said and left.

I laughed with Ron. "Come on you must be tired" Harry said "it's just half past seven Harry" I said

"finally someone who doesn't go to bed early" Ron said "and Harry and Hermione always go to bed early and I don't know what to do then" Ron said and I laughed. "but really Harry is too early to sleep" I said "where is Hermione" I said "probably reading a book or studying" Ron said "is she doing it all the time" I said "mostly" Harry said

Fred and George returned to our room. “yet we’re not going to give up so easily” Fred said and he and George grabbed my arms and pulled me with them. We went into their room. "You sleep in this office room?" George said "okay" I said. Fred and George joined their beds. They both lay down. Harry entered the room "don't worry Harry-" Fred started "-Jessica is safe with us" Geirge finished. Harry sighed and left.

"come on come now" they said and withdrew my hands "you two are crazy" I said "we know" they said "good night guys" I said "good night Jess" they said and Fred turned off the light.

Okay I apologize for one extra short and boring chapter. I promise tomorrow I will submit  more interesting chapter. Thanks again everyone. love you.

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