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Mattheo's pov

I woke up and went to take a shower.

I woke up and went to take a shower

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Omg I Iike this scene so much

When I came out I put a towel around my waist. I got dressed and adjusted my hair.

I sucked in the common room. Jake, Malfoy, Zabini and Tom were there. I sat with them. "I'll apologize to her" Jake said " to Jessica?" Malfoy said "yes" Jake said.

The children went through the common room. At one point there was no one. Alice walked down the hall to the common room.

"hey Jessica hasn't gotten up yet" she said "no" Malfoy said. Alice went upstairs. We heard the door. "Jessica get up" I heard Alice's voice "no, go fucking out" I heard Jessica "she never liked to be woken up" Jake said "okay then you're late for the first class on your first day of school, bye Jessica" Alice said "ugh okay I'm getting up" Jessica said and we heard the door close.

"I'm going to talk to her," Jake said. He went upstairs. We heard the door "hey sister, can we talk" Jake. said "get out before I throw a knife at you, we'll talk later" Jessica said. Jake sucked down "not sociable" Tom said "as always" Jake said. We heard the door to the room. “Hide,” Jake said and each of us hid behind the couch.

Jessica's pov

I went downstairs. Jacob was there “say what you want Jacob” I said and he turned to me. When I arrived I got some feeling like someone else was in the room with us even though we were the only ones there.

"I ... I wanted to apologize, and I want us to reconcile" Jacob said "okay" I said "what" he said "okay I accept the apology" I said "you won't yell at me or shoot me with a knife" Jacob said "no Jacob we are twins we were born to be with each other" I said. Jacob started to hug me. "but no hugs," I said, "I still don't love you, but you're my brother," I said. " Jacob" I said and headed for one of the couches. I sat down on a couch. I saw the panic in Jacob's eyes "what was it Jacob you're afraid I'll realize Mattheo is hiding behind this couch" I said and looked behind the couch and saw Mattheo. "Hey Mattheo" I said "how the fuck did you know" Mattheo said.

"I also know Draco is there," I said and pointed to one of the couches. "Blaise is there" I said and pointed to the second couch "and your brother is there Mattheo" I said and pointed to the third couch. "what the hell" Draco said. "I have to take a class now," I said and left the common room.

Mattheo's pov

What the hell was this. How the fuck did she know we were here. "what was this" Draco said "I don't know" Jake said. We left for the first class. Potions. I sat down with Draco. Snape came in. "Today I divide you into pairs, a pair made up of a boy and a girl," Snape said "oh shit" Draco said. Snape started calling out the names

"...Jessica Wilson and Mattheo Riddle..." I heard my name and looked at Jessica. "Now sit with your partner," Snape said. I got up and walked over to Jessica's desk.

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