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It’s been a week since we returned to Hogwarts after the holidays. I went back to my room at Slytherin house.

I was sitting in front of the mirror. I looked into my face. In my cut on the nose. I remembered how it came to be.

Then I looked at my left arm, which was all cut. Then I picked up my shirt. A large wound stood on my stomach.

Someone entered the room. I saw Mattheo in the mirror. I opened my mouth to say something “I came to help you” he said “I don’t need help” I said.

He approached me. I was sitting on the bed. He squatted by the bed. He picked up my shirt “I think you need it” he said “no, and get your hands off me” I said “Jessica can you fucking once  listen” Mattheo said and looked at me. "No," I said and started to get up.

Mattheo grabbed my waist and pulled me back onto the bed. "Well you will have to" said "Mattheo!" I said "shh don't make a drama" he said. He pulled my shirt up again. He put his hand on my stomach. “does it hurt you” he said “no but your hands are fucking cold” I said.

He smiled and looked at my stomach again. God, how beautiful. His smile made my heart beat faster

"can you get your hand off me" I said "Jessica I told you I wanted to help you" he said looking at the wound on my stomach. Then he looked at my scar.

"can you do it fast" I said "you're so annoying" Mattheo said. I kicked him "okay sorry" he said. He pulled out his wand.

"what are you going to do" i said "just trust me" he said "no" i said "how can i trust you" i said and i wanted to take his hand off my waist. "you want to do this the hard way," he said.

He put his hand on my mouth and pushed me onto the bed. He sat on my bed holding his hand over my mouth. "This could have been easier but you won't cooperate," he said.

He put a stick on my stomach. He began to speak the spell. "you see," he said. Let me go and I looked at my stomach. "what the hell" I said when I saw that the wounds were gone.

I looked at Mattheo who was smiling. "See you later Jessica," he said and left. I was still shocked. I looked in the mirror. There were no wounds. It's gone. I went down to the common room and met Alice. We went to lunch together. I saw Harry. "hey how are you" i said "great" he said and hugged me.We went inside.

After lunch I sat in the room. I remembered that day. i still don't know what happened.

i went down to the common room. no one was there. there was no one in the hallways. i went outside. half the school was there. i saw Harry Hermione Ron Ginny and the twins. i approached "hey Jess-" Fred said

"harry it's fucking time" I said angrily.

everyone looked at me. my eyes met Mattheo's. "what Jessica" Harry said "time to tell me what happened that day" i said. everyone was staring at me. "what are you looking at" I said "Jessica calm down" George said "no i don't want to calm down until you tell me, you can't hide anymore" i said.

"okay Jessica i'll tell you" Harry said "finally" I said "I'm listening to you" I said "i have a better idea let's go to Dumbledore's office and then you'll be able to see what happened" harry said and took my hand. we went to Dumbledore's office. "mr. we-" harry said "i know why you're here" Dumbledore said

"Jessica come with me" he said. I followed him. Dumbledore took one bottle of "that's it" he said "now i'm going to pour this here and you're going to put your head in it" he said.

there was a container of water. or something like that i don't know what it is. Dumbledore was pouring something out of the bottle and i put my head in it.

i was standing in the hallway. all the students stared at me. i saw matthew. tears streamed down my cheeks. "i'll ease your problems riddle you won't have to look at me anymore" i said "i loved you" i said and stabbed myself in the stomach. "jessica" harry shouted and knelt beside me. tears came from his eyes.

Dumbledore and snape arrived. "you did it, you did something that made her kill herself" Mattheo yelled at tom. wait Mattheo didn't write that letter. that was Tom.

Mattheo pulled a knife out of his pocket and pointed it at Dumbledore and Snape who were next to me lying lifeless. "mr. riddle," Dumbledore said, "i said move away from her," he said.

is he crying? 

they moved away from me. Mattheo knelt beside me. "come on jess hold on a little longer for me i love you" he said. did he just say he loved me.

Mattheo took a knife that was stuck in my stomach "no Mattheo" Dumbledore said "i know what i'm doing" Mattheo said "sorry jess" he said. tears came from his eyes. is he really crying because of me.

Mattheo pulled a knife out of my stomach. the knife was full of blood. Mattheo took a wand and pointed it at my stomach. he began to utter the spell.

the blood returned to my stomach and the wound closed. i started breathing. "she's breathing" Mattheo said and started laughing.

I pulled my head out. I looked at Dumbledore and harry "Jessica?" Harry said. I didn't say anything and i started to go out "Harry, she needs time" Dumbledore said.

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