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Sorry I made mistake here is part 5, next is part 4 so go read part 4 and then come back to part 5. Sorry again

Mattheo's pov

"hey Theo" Parkinson came up to me with two more of her girls "it's Mattheo for you" I said "oh sorry its Theo for Jessica isn't it" I rolled my eyes "what do you want" I said

"tonight we're having a party here in the common room right you're coming "she said" I don't know I'll see "I said. Pansy said "come on Theo" and sat in my lap "go away Pansy you whore" I said "Your Jessica is whore" she said "I don't love her and she's not whore" I said and Pansy left. Ugh I hate girls.

Jessica's pov

"can I go" I asked Dumbledore when he entered the hospital "tonight you will be able to" he said.

Ugh I have to lie here until tonight. Alice came in "Jessica!" she said "they finally let me see you are you okay" she said "I'm fine, now really" I said and laughed. "when you get out of here" Alice said "tonight" I said

"tonight they're having a party in the common room" Alice said "great just to ruin the party" I said and Alice laughed. "I have to go see you later," she said and left.

Mattheo's pov

"hey Mattheo are you coming to the party" some girl asked me "it's not your business" I said. Ugh.

"hey mattheo are you coming to the party" i heard blaise from myself imitating a girl. I smiled "I'm coming" I said "I'm so glad Mattheo" Blaise said further imitation girl "stop creepy it's" I said.

The night has come.

I sucked in the common room. They were all there. Except for one person. Jessica. I went for a glass of whiskey. and sat on the couch

"come on Mattheo have fun" Blaise said. He already looked pretty drunk. "just enjoy Blaise," I said and laughed. I watched Draco and Blaise dance. They are really crazy.

Some girls sat next to me. One put a hand on my shoulder. I looked and saw Pansy. Ugh I got up and went to the balcony. I took out my cigarettes.

Then I went back inside. Alcohol started hitting me in the head. I sat next to Tom "you're already drunk" he said "maybe" I said. The real reason I drank was to get Jessica out of my head.

Suddenly the lights started to turn on and off. "What's the matter, you're scared" I heard a voice. I knew that voice very well. I saw Jessica on the stairs. Everyone was looking at her “what am I not invited to the party” she said and had her devilish smirk. God what is this girl doing to me

"bitch you just came to spoil the party" Pansy said "no, I came to have fun what's wrong with that whore" Jessica said "you're the whore" Pansy said. Jessica started laughing “I repeat I’m a virgin and you fucked half school” she said and took a glass of whiskey.

"continue the music" Jessica said and played the music again with her wand. "Well, hello guys," she said, sitting next to Jake

"Jessica don't drink alcohol, now you're out of the hospital" Jake said "shut up fucking, nobody tells me what to do" she said. "please sister" Jake said "oh Jacob you didn't hear" she said laughing. "he didn't hear what" Tom said "I'm not your sister Jacob I'm adopted" Jessica said "what" I said "you heard me Riddle" Jessica said.

Then I  get a weird feeling on my own again. Jessica got up and headed for her room. I headed for her.

She entered the room and closed the door. I entered the room and closed the door behind me. Jessica was sitting in her bed writing something in that red notebook.

"you won't find out anything Riddle" she said "why are you like that" I said "you're just a drunk bitch go Riddle" she said further writing in her notebook and smiling. " you're not drunk?. You're more drunk than me," I said.

She closed the notebook and looked me in the eye and got out of bed. She went to me. I tried to get into her head “don’t bother getting into my head Riddle” Jessica said now standing in front of me.

My heart was beating fast. Kiss her. Kiss her. Kiss her. But we are drunk.

Before I could do anything else I put my lips on hers and my hands on her neck. I felt like she wanted to push me but I didn’t give it to her. This kiss is magical. Her soft lips on mine. Then she stopped fighting. I started kissing her harder. She soon pulled back

 She soon pulled back

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“get out” she said. I disobeyed and kissed her again. I really like this feeling. This time I felt her hands in my hair.  I push her against the wall and start to kiss her even harder. It's looks like she enjoyed it.

"Mattheo no, this is not right" she said "it is right princess" I said and started to kiss her again but she  left the room

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"Mattheo no, this is not right" she said "it is right princess" I said and started to kiss her again but she  left the room. I sat on hers bed.

Wow what a girl can do. This feeling is so good. I touched my lips. I know I'm drunk. But I had a cut like I wanted more. Like drugs. You try once and you can't stop. So it is with Jessica. I want her. I want her more and more. I went outside her room.

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