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Christmas morning

"GET UP, IT'S CHRISTMAS" Fred and George entered the room. I pretended to continue sleeping. Fred and George lay down next to me "Jessica-" George said "-we know you're not sleeping" Fred said.

I opened my eyes and smiled. I saw two red-haired boys lying next to me. "Merry Christmas guys" I said.

Fred and George stood up and looked at each other. "Ready?" Fred said "one-" "-two-" "-three!" they said and pulled my blankets "FRED GEORGE DON'T TOUCH JESSICA, SHE HAS NOT HEALED HER WOUND YET" Molly shouted.

"come on Jessica get up" Fred said and withdrew my hand "okay get out, I need to get dressed" I said "nah I think it's okay to stay here. What do you say Freddie" George said "I agree with you Georgie" Fred said "no , get out, "I said. They lay down on my bed. "MOLLY" I shouted.

Someone came in the door. I saw Bill and Charlie. "Merry Christmas Jessica" they said "Bill! Charlie!" I said and hugged them "you're not small anymore" Bill said "of course not!" I said.

Molly came into the room. "EVERYONE OUT LEAVE THE GIRL ALONE" Molly said "Merry Christmas darling" Molly said "Merry Christmas Molly" I said. The boys came out.

I got dressed and headed for Hermione and Ginny's room. I went inside "Merry Christmas" they shouted and hugged me "Merry Christmas to you too" I said "I'm going to wake up Harry and Ron I'm sure they're sleeping." I said and left their room.

In the hallway I met Percy "Merry Christmas Percy" I said and hugged him "Merry Christmas Jessica" he said.

I went into Harry and Ron's room. They slept, of course. I jumped on Harry's bed "what the hell" Harry said "bloody hell ..." Ron said "Merry Christmas bro and Ron" I said and hugged Harry. "Merry Christmas" Harry said "Merry Christmas" Ron said.

I went down to breakfast. The smell of wonderful food was all over the house There was lot of food. "Merry Christmas Jessica" Arthur said "Merry Christmas" I said and smiled.

Everyone got down and we started eating. When we finished breakfast we went to the living room “GIFT TIME” Molly said. She gave us all a present. I got a red sweater with the letter J on it.

Harry approached me “something for my sister” he said and gave me one box. There was a necklace inside. She had a silver ring with a diamond in it "Wow Harry" I said and hugged him.

I finally felt loved.

"I have something for you too," I said. I ran up to my room and took Harry's present. I went downstairs and Harry looked at me. "no way ..." he said "Merry Christmas" I said and gave him a Firebolt broom. "Oh my god" Ron said "I want to try it" Fred said"I also" George said "no, you're going to break the broom" Molly said "Mom!" Fred and George said

“okay Jess come on” Fred said and took my hand. We sat next to the Christmas tree. George picked up a large box. "We exaggerated in the attic yesterday-" Fred said "what were you doing in the attic ?!" Molly said “mom let us finish” Fred said. "We found a box with our and Jessica's old toys." George said.

I opened the box. I saw the Barbie first and pulled her out of the box. "is that-" Fred said "-Sofia" George said and the three of us started laughing.

Everyone looked at us strangely. "Sofia is Jessica's barbie that Fred and George cut her hair" Molly explained "I can see Jessica's face exactly when she saw the barbie" Fred said.

Suddenly I started hearing voices in my head. "ow" I said and took my head "Jessica?" George said “I-I hear some voices in my head” I said “it’s not good” Arthur said.

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