Author's Note

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In the long, dark midst of covid-related writer's block, I happened to come across the Wattpad Open Novella Contest prompts and fall immediately, irrevocably in love with this one:

"The Virtual Implant was supposed to be a revolutionary breakthrough; for a time, it was."

It was truly wonderful to be in the grip of an idea again. You never know where inspiration will come from. It has been magical to watch this story grab the attention of readers. Honestly, I've never felt such connection and support.

The Trouble With Women has been listed, featured and celebrated in a number of places since it first appeared:

Wattpad AdultFiction Book of the Month April 2022
Speculative Fiction Awards Feb 2022 - WINNER
Wattpad AdultFiction Lit List December 2021
Wattpad Stars Feature List September 2021
Contemporary Fiction Awards 2021 SHORTLIST

...and I have YOU to thank.

The Trouble with WomenWhere stories live. Discover now