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Femspiracy.YouTV - transcription and comment thread

Okay, theydies and gentles, welcome back to the Femspiracy channel. First, a big HELLO to all my new subscribers — where'd you all come from? Ten thousand new followers this week alone. We. Are. Killing. It. Bitches!

Today's femspiracy theory gets down and dirty with an all-new-but-is-it-true (?) genuine mystery. As you know, on this channel, we love to go deep on Revolut and the Resistor-Sister movement: who are these s-heroes, where are they now? Our avid speculation seems to have gotten their attention because our latest theory comes —wait for it — from an informant claiming to be inside the movement.

Our woman on the inside tells us that the Resistance believes something deeply disturbing is happening to women with first wave implants.

So, let me ask you, viewers: have you been noticing women acting really rando lately? Like, all kinds of strange? Violence. Sexual aggression. Bullying. And it's not just what we see in the news. It's everywhere if you're looking. I swear to you, hand on heart, I saw a woman JOGGING AT NIGHT recently, like she had zero fucks left to give.

Our tip-off says that Janus-Klein Pharmaceuticals, makers of Revolut, are keeping tabs on the glitch and slowly moving to organize a recall of up to half a million implants. 

What do you think, Femspiracy theorists? Are these just random acts of crazy, or do we have a serious case of lady-troubles on our hands? Should we be worried?

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Totally buy this theory. My girlfriend has been acting like a freak all month. Losing her temper about nothing, getting shouty at the TV during The Bachelor like it's the end of the world who wins. I asked her if she had PMS or what. I swear to god she nearly punched me.

Why are we so quick to blame the tech? Maybe women are just tired of being on the receiving end of toxic male bullshit and want to give a little back. About time too. Where do I sign up?

@Vajazzler are you for real? The last thing we need is women acting like the worst in men. I'm super worried if this is true and you should be too.

Some of you think this is a joke, but I'm first-wave and I swear I don't feel right. Like there's this pressure building up inside me. I want this thing out of me. It's like a poison. Why aren't they moving faster?!? #RecallRevolutNow

Hi, long-time ally and proud male feminist here. I've been following all the stories, and I think you're right on the money. Something's different. I know it's crazy, but I'm starting to feel nervous around women of a certain age. The way they look at me. The way they take up space. They're starting to intimidate me. I'm afraid to be out alone at night. Any guys out there feeling the same?
(678 affirmative replies)

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