Chapter 3

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Sunpaw faced the larger apprentice, his gaze determined as he lunged, tackling his enemy to the forest floor. The larger light brown tom was able to throw Sunpaw off though, swiping at his shoulder with an outstretched paw, a blow strong enough to cause him to almost lose his footing before he was pinned down. The light orange tom struggled for a moment before growing still and accepting the fact he had been defeated.

"Great work, to both of you." Sunpaw heard his mentor, Pounceheart, murmur as his opponent, Slowpaw, let go of his hold on the fallen tabby apprentice. He no longer got embarrassed when the younger apprentice beat him, as he was used to it. Though Sunpaw was older than Slowpaw, the light brown tabby was a lot bigger in size, and often beat the skinnier challenger as a result. The first few times he sparred with Slowpaw had greatly shocked him, and he especially got frustrated when his clanmate's ego got to him. The other apprentice would always boast to his sister and his clanmates about how he was never defeated during training and constantly bragged about how great of a warrior he was bound to become. It really got on Sunpaw's nerves, though he never told Slowpaw directly.

"Alright, I think we'll end your training there," Hazelstripe, Slowpaw's mentor, informed. "You both should get some rest before the big night ahead of you."

As if he needed proof, he looked up into the wide cloudless blue sky, where the full moon made its subtle appearance, although it wasn't it's time to shine yet. Tonight, the clan gathering was supposed to take place, and both he and Slowpaw had received permission to go.

"You and your apprentice can go ahead, Stripes," Pounceheart told the orange and white warrior. "I'm gonna practice with Sunny some more."

Sunpaw rolled his eyes with an annoyed sigh but didn't let his mentor see. Or at least he thought that was the case because Pounceheart nudged his shoulder with his nose once Hazelstripe and his apprentice turned away to leave, although the young orange tom didn't look Pounceheart's way.

"Cheer up, Sunny," His mentor encouraged him. 'Sunny' was what Pounceheart liked calling him, and while Sunpaw despised his nickname, he never told the gray and white tom exactly how he felt. Similar to his relationship with Slowpaw. He didn't like the apprentice at all but would never say so to his face. He just didn't like to put others down. Well, that and I'd like to make a good impression on my clanmates. He thought to himself. "I promise I won't keep you from your buddies for too long." Sunpaw always felt that Pounceheart was similar to him. He knew he was terrible at fighting, but his mentor never directly told him the same. Instead, the cheery tom would just practice with him more. But if he isn't hard on me soon, I'd make a terrible warrior when BreezeClan is faced with conflict.

They started with some basic moves before getting a little more difficult, but Pounceheart always seemed to go easy on the young apprentice, which made Sunpaw quite disappointed when the gray and white tom wrapped up his training and escorted him back to camp.

Why does he treat me like some kit? He asked himself. I wish I wasn't stuck with him as my mentor. He was a nice cat and all, but his positive and optimistic attitude got on his nerves sometimes, and he was way too soft on Sunpaw. I wonder if Lightningstar would let me switch mentors if I asked. But how would his leader react? And there was no doubt Pounceheart would feel hurt if Lightningstar agreed.

Once he reached the BreezeClan camp, he immediately spotted Slowpaw, his chest puffed out and his head high as he shared tongues with his sister, Fleetpaw, and her mentor Finchfrost. He looked toward his mentor, who dipped his head in understanding, watching as Sunpaw joined the other apprentices.

"And then I knocked him down with a swipe at his shoulder and in an instant, I proved myself victorious!" He purred as his sister caught sight of Sunpaw and thumped her light brown tail in greeting.

"Hey, Sunpaw! We were just talking about you!" She purred before taking another bite of her mouse. The young apprentice usually hung around her brother after her running drills and exercises, although they both tended to get in fights a lot with Fleetpaw's truculent attitude. "Slowpaw told me you were defeated in a single blow this time, but I highly doubt that's true." The messenger apprentice rolled her eyes.

"I uh—" But he was cut off by Slowpaw.

"It is true! Why do you never believe me?" He spat at her, but she cuffed one of his ears with her paw in response. "So much for a loyal sister!" He growled, eyeing the both of them with an annoyed glare.

"Now, now, you two," Finchfrost began, but before they could continue, Fleetpaw spoke up.

"I'm loyal!" She protested, "But only if you're nice to me." She spat, sticking her tongue out at him. "And you just happen to be one of the unkind cats in this clan."

With a sigh, Finchfrost grasped a scrawny frog from the prey pile and padded away, not wanting to get involved in an argument that broke out. Sunpaw tuned out his bickering clanmates as usual and chose a juicy-looking mouse, padding to the far side of camp to eat in peace. Or so he thought.

He hadn't even bitten into his prey yet when his mentor strode up to him, greeting him with his warm silver gaze. "Mind if I share with you, Sunny?" He asked, and Sunpaw answered with a brisk nod, not wanting to offend the warrior.

They spent their time in silence, eating the flavorful prey in only a few hungry gulps. I think this is the longest duration he goes without speaking during the day. He thought to himself, kind of surprised that was within the tom's ability.

"These moons are going by pretty quickly," Pounceheart said after they finished eating. "You'll be a warrior soon enough," His silver gaze was transfixed on the BreezeClan camp, but Sunpaw's eyes were on his mentor. His tone was so serious and quiet, unlike he had ever heard it before. I didn't know he could ever be serious. The apprentice thought silently.

"Yeah," was all Sunpaw could muster, still astonished by Pounceheart's sudden change of attitude. They sat like that in silence for a while, the setting sun casting a warm glow over the camp. The time of the gathering would be upon them soon, and Sunpaw's excitement faded as he thought about the warrior, he was going to become at the rate he was going.

He was most definitely worried about his future.

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