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Petalwish took a deep inward breath as she padded through CliffClan territory, making sure the two kits behind her were keeping up. She wasn't sure if she would be allowed to name any of them, but in her mind, she had already made names for them. No matter what my clan decides to call you, you'll always be known as Lilykit, Tulipkit, and Dandelionkit to me. She thought to herself as she ducked beneath an overgrown fern. My little flowers.

That was if Rainstar even accepted the kits and let the healer back into the clan's ranks.

Posted at the camp entrance looking bored as ever were Skyrunner and Stoneshade who stiffened in surprise at the sight of their old clanmate. She greeted them each with a polite nod as they escorted her into camp, marching her straight to Rainstar's den.

"Rainstar, Petalwish has returned!" Called Stoneshade from outside the cave entrance. "And she's brought, visitors!"

The healer ducked her head in embarrassment upon realizing that every cat who was in the camp had their gazes on Petalwish and the three kits she had with her.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Uselesswish." Came the recognizable sneer of Badgerclaw. "And I see you've even brought us more mouths to feed."

That was when Rainstar strode out of her den, looking calm and collected as she looked over her daughter. "Took you long enough to realize where your loyalties lie." She scoffed, but her eyes softened as she saw the kit in Petalwish's jaws and the two others who crouched behind her. "And you've brought kits!"

Badgerclaw growled. "You should just throw them in the river and let them drown. They're just more mouths to feed, a waste of prey."

Rainstar blocked the deputy's snout with her reddish-furred tail and gave her a warning glance before returning her attention to Petalwish and the three new kits who accompanied her. "They're helpless kits now, but in a few moons they'll be warriors, great assets to our clan I'd hope." She purred. "And since you seem to love them so much, I'll even let you name them."

"Fine then." She took a lumbering step towards the two behind Petalwish, making one of them flinch back and causing her brother to trip over his own pause and fall to the ground. Badgerclaw let out a mocking chuckle. "Flinchkit for the little she-kit, and I think Fallenkit will suit the tom just fine." She turned to the other she-kit still in Petalwish's jaws, who let out a small squeal of fear. "And Fearfulkit will do for this cowardly scrap of fur."

"And now for the cat who will be entrusted to care for them until they are made apprentices..." Mewed Rainstar. "Any volunteers?"

"I think me and Skyrunner would gladly take up your offer, Rainstar." The healer met Stoneshade's eyes. Had she just been too oblivious to realize he and Skyrunner had become mates? Regardless, she was happy for the two toms and she was glad she could trust them to take good care of the young kits.

And most of all, she was happy to be back in her own clan.


The five apprentices along with their mentors stood along the shimmering cave stream, their hearts pounding in a mix of nervousness as well as excitement.

Well, Keenpaw's was anyway. From outside the entrance to the den, stood Tiny, watching from afar as Keenpaw would gain the immortality that was rightfully his.

That is if SpiritClan does in fact have it. He thought silently to himself.

"You all have trained hard over the past few moons, and we feel it is time you become full members of the Clanless Clowder and receive your immortality." Grass purred, his yellow-green gaze glinting in pride as he and the other mentors looked over the five younger cats.

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