Chapter 9

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Excitement tingled within her paw pads as she and Tigernose followed their clan deputy. She and Oddblaze had finished up their duties in the healer's den earlier than they had anticipated, and Twitchpaw was allowed to join the hunting patrol and stretch her legs. It was good hunting practice too and she enjoyed catching prey.

If only I could do this every day. She thought to herself. She liked being a healer apprentice and all, but spending each and every day in the den sorting herbs got boring after a while.

The river that separated FlameClan and CliffClan was full of lively swimming fish. Her mouth watered as she spotted them, their varied scales glittering in the brilliant sunlight that shone over the water's surface. She was so tempted to swipe at them and tear her claws at their soft bodies, but she had to be patient. Fish were difficult to catch. She had to make sure the fish wouldn't see her shadow and dart away.

She watched Pounceflight as she eyed a large trout swimming towards her way on the bank. She waited tolerantly; her paw poised to strike at the prey. Within a quick moment, the fish was in her claws and she dragged it to lay beside her before killing it with a swift bite.

Just when they were sure the fish was dead; she spotted a muscular gray and white tom on the opposite side of the river. His yellow-green eyes were narrowed and glittered with suspicion. He had a ball of moss clutched within his jaws where Twitchpaw could easily see his sharp, pointed teeth as the sunlight caught them.

But the tom didn't say a word as he dipped the moss in the river and turned away to get back to his camp. Although she had never seen the clan camp herself, she knew it wasn't far from the river. It was sheltered and rarely any harm got to them. They would be vulnerable though if any clan were to plan an attack on them.

She shook her head. She was getting distracted. She wasn't there to waste time; she was there to hunt and obtain food for her clanmates. She was there to sharpen her hunting skills. Her amber eyes scanned the sparkling water as she searched for her own prey to target. She saw a few minnows here and there, but they were barely a mouthful each and were hardly worth trying to catch.

Then she found it. A long pinkish salmon near the bottom of the river. She mimicked what she had seen her clan's deputy do, waiting for it to get closer to her and raising her paw so she would be ready to strike at the fish.

But before she could attempt to claw at it, a patrol of CliffClan warriors approached the bank. She recognized the infamous clan leader at the front with Badgerclaw and the same gray and white tom she saw with the moss at her sides. The well-muscled warrior must have told his clanmates the FlameClan patrol was there. "What do you LameClan mouse-brains think you're doing?" Rainstar growled, her teeth barred.

"Er, hunting?" Pounceflight told her. "Is there a problem?"

"The river belongs to CliffClan!" Badgerclaw sneered. "So, step away from the bank and hand over the prey you fox-hearts stole!"

"Woah. The river belongs to both clans!" Thornflame interjected. "We can both hunt here, there are plenty of fish to catch."

Rainstar lashed her tail. "I'll ask you all one more time," she began, her voice seething with menace. The threatening look in her gaze made Twitchpaw shiver in fear as the leader took a step toward the river. "step away from the river and give us the prey."

Pounceflight met Rainstar's gaze defiantly. "No, it rightfully belongs to us." The golden-brown she-cat proclaimed. "Hunt here if you like, but we aren't leaving."

The reddish leader eyed the two warriors at her side. "Attack them! If it takes a battle to show them it's ours, then so be it!"

The FlameClan deputy looked toward Twitchpaw as the three cats leaped into the river without a second thought. "Go!" She yowled. "Tell Burningstar what happened. She'll send out more warriors!"

The apprentice nodded, immediately racing toward FlameClan's camp. She ignored the branches of overgrown bushes and the thorns that snagged at her fur like claws trying to rip her pelt off. She had to get to her clanmates! She had to get help!

She burst into camp panting, the other clan members giving her worried and surprised looks. "Burningstar!" She called, still trying to catch her breath. "CliffClan is attacking Pounceflight and Tigernose by the river! They need help, and quickly!"

Burningstar only nodded, searching the gathered clan cats for suitable fighters. "Thornflame! Runningfox! Come with me! We'll need all the warriors we can get for a clan as strong as CliffClan. Oddblaze, make sure everything in camp is fine while we're gone."

The she-cat pressed her muzzle to Oddblaze's shoulder and from where Twitchpaw was she could hear her mentor's murmurs. "Stay safe out there," his gentle voice was thick with worry as he spoke. "Watch over Tigernose too as much as you can."

Oddblaze's worry for his family was obvious as he watched the warriors leave. He retreated to the den to keep himself busy, something he did often to keep his mind off of his nerves. Twitchpaw sat outside, watching the warriors in camp as Oddblaze had asked of her.

He hoped her clanmates stayed safe. She hoped they would make it back to camp alive. 

☁ 𝒜𝓈 𝒞𝓁𝑜𝓊𝒹𝓈 𝒞𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒮𝓀𝓎 ☁Where stories live. Discover now