Chapter 8

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Pounceheart had been asked to join the border patrol and freshen the clan's scent markers and he of course insisted that Sunpaw would accompany the patrol. They were led by Wolfcall, and as if border patrol wasn't worse enough, Slowpaw and his mentor Hazelstripe was with them.

He hated marking the clan's borders. It was so boring to him and he felt it was a waste of energy with how often it was done. But it beats battle training with Slowpaw I guess. He thought although he would feel better if the annoying apprentice wasn't with him outside training.

"Why don't you go mark some of those trees, Sunny?" Pounceheart suggested once they had made it to the border. He gestured to where the forest ended, the line of trees thinning just before reaching the river where their border was.

"Yeah Sunny," Slowpaw smirked, but Hazelstripe gave him a harsh glare that quickly made him snap his jaws shut.

"Go with him, Snail." The orange and white tom said, and Sunpaw had to put so much effort into holding back an amused laugh. Pounceheart had made nicknames for every cat in BreezeClan and 'Snail' was what he called Slowpaw. He was glad he had Hazelstripe there to back him up when Slowpaw would pick on him. He wasn't close to his father, but he definitely admired the warrior.

Both apprentices obeyed their mentors, padding to the trees to mark them. It didn't take very long and soon they were on their paws again to mark another area. Soon they made it to the border they shared with FlameClan to find there was a group of cats already there. He didn't know most of the cats in other clans, but he could make out Thornflame taking the lead, with a red and white she-cat and a creamy tom close behind.

The only reason he knew Thornflame's name was because of her unforgettable irritated tone. He never knew why, but she always seemed annoyed and her tone was always low and serious when she spoke.

"Wolfcall," the she-cat greeted her tone the same as Sunpaw remembered.

"Thornflame!" The light gray she-cat greeted warmly. "How is FlameClan fairing now that the weather has warmed up?"

Sunpaw knew since it was no longer snow-fall, the twolegs near the FlameClan camp would be out more often and the cats would have to be very careful as they carried on with clan duties.

"Just fine, thanks." Although it didn't sound at all like the FlameClan warrior meant it. "Did you ever spot that fox Moonstar spoke of?" She asked, referring to last night's gathering.

Wolfcall shook her head. "No sign of it. I hope it was just passing through and won't be a threat to any clan." She said, and Hazelstripe nodded in agreement.

"Hopefully, but I'd keep an eye out just in case it happened to wander on to FlameClan," Pounceheart advised.

"Alright then, we'll leave you to your duties." Thornflame mewed with a nod. She assembled her two clanmates with a flick of her tail before strolling off.

"Be careful, Thorn," Pounceheart purred back to her before following his deputy to continue with his patrol.

That's right. He and Thornflame are friends. He thought to himself as he recalled his run-in with the FlameClan apprentice the night before. Too bad he couldn't see her at the gathering.

And so, they all continued marking the undergrowth to ensure no other cat would trespass. It wasn't very interesting to Sunpaw until they made it to the StreamClan border. The land there was wet and spongy beneath his paws which bothered him, but not as much as the strange scent.

He recognized it within an instant, although it was stale. His fur bristled and he took a step toward his mentor, more comfortable at the side of a full-fledged warrior than by himself. Moonstar had been right when he informed them of the fox. The predator had definitely passed the border despite their scent marks.

"It's stale. We'll be careful, but don't fear. There's a high possibility it's long gone by now." Wolfcall meowed as she began renewing the markings and freshening the strong scents of BreezeClan.

Sunpaw kept close to Pounceheart as they moved on, but Slowpaw took notice of this. "You're such a scaredy-mouse!" He taunted. "Even if it is still here, we can take them!"

"Shh!" Hazelstripe hissed. "Even if it is still here," he said, mimicking the apprentice's words, "then we want to avoid it as much as possible. But if you keep up that yowling, it will most definitely find us!"

Slowpaw obeyed and didn't say another word, but he gave Sunpaw a mocking glare. Sunpaw kept close to his mentor as if daring the light brown tabby to tease him again. He didn't like Slowpaw's tantalizing behavior, but it was amusing to see him get scolded and embarrassed.

They were almost finished marking the border when the fox stench hit his nose again. He stiffened, fearful tremors rippling through his fur down to his very bones. This scent was fresh which meant the fox had to be nearby.

"Keep the apprentices protected," Wolfcall instructed. "I'll take the front. Hazelstripe, Pounceheart, flank Sunpaw, and Slowpaw and watch their tails."

The warriors did as they were told, making sure the apprentices would be safe if the predator showed itself. Sunpaw's heart pounded in fear and his eyes flashed wildly around him as they pressed forward.

On the other paw, the Slowpaw waslooking rather annoyed. He pushed himself out of the circle of warriors andpositioned himself to walk behind Sunpaw. "I don't need my lousy mentor treatingme like a helpless kit." He sneered, but just as Hazelstripe could dart towardthe apprentice, the fox showed itself. And Sunpaw watched as it lunged straighttoward Slowpaw.

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