Chapter 25

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Fox was fuming from the time they left the twoleg village until they got back to their camp. Tiny didn't blame her though. If the members of the Clanless Clowder had in fact been lying to them the entire time, she'd be a little mad too. But mostly, as she trudged along, she felt disappointed. Ever since she was chosen to be apprenticed to the Clowder, she thought she was so special. She wasn't going to be some normal warrior, she was going to have an important purpose, not only to her own clan but to all four of them.

"Tell us the truth!" She barked, as soon as they had made it to their den. "About everything!"

The other three members stepped out of the cave, looking confused. They all eyed Mumble and Wolf with searching gazes.

"Lynx is dead," Wolf growled. "They know."

"O-Oh..." Frost looked taken aback. The three apprentices had joined them now as well.

"Wait, but Lynx has immortality. How did he die?" Flint asked.

With a glance at Mumble, Grass answered, hesitantly. "Bounce still has it, but he's gone now. Lynx was never granted immortality. He was just a random kittypet who was promised a chance of freedom, so long as he acted as a Clowder member."

"Okay, so the four of us will be granted our immortality," Fox began, "but what about Tiny? What will happen to her?" She asked.

"She's received the same training as every other cat here. Even though she won't have immortality, she will still be a member of the Clowder." Came Mumble's answer. "Telling the clans would cause unnecessary chaos."

"And if Tiny dies?" Fox growled. But there was no answer. Tiny could guess what would happen though. They'd have to recruit another cat, just as they did with Lynx.

Tiny stayed silent the entire time, too shocked to say anything at all. Her entire life ever since she had been apprenticed, had been a lie.

Perhaps I'm not so special after all.


A few days had passed since they had found out about Lynx's death and the full moon in the sky was evidence that the gathering would take place that night.

The ten cats of the Clanless Clowder waited in silence. It was unnerving to Tiny. They always had discussions amongst themselves, whether it was all of them as a group, or just her and the other apprentices.

The first clan to arrive was StreamClan and to Tiny's relief, she spotted her brother among the gathered cats. She immediately raced to meet him, licking his face, barely able to contain her joy.

But although Keenpaw looked happy to see his sister, grief and sadness glazed his blue-green eyes. "Tiny! I'm so glad to finally see you again!" He purred.

Even in the dying light, she was surprised to see how large the apprentice had grown. His shoulders were large and broad, and his coat was sleek, revealing rippling muscles here and there. He'd make a great warrior of his clan, Tiny knew that for certain.

"How is training going?" She asked him. "You've grown so big!" She reached up to bat at his ear, but he ducked to evade her incoming blow with a chuckle.

"It's going well, but I miss you Tiny. I wish you could be there to train along with me!" He mewed. "What's it like as a member of the Clanless Clowder? I bet it's way more interesting here than in the clans."

Oh, it gets interesting. She thought to herself. "I'm not really sure how to think of it." She replied, but if she hadn't yet known the truth behind the group, her answer probably would have been different. She wished she could tell him how special she had felt or the excitement she would feel in her paws every time she would learn something new. But she no longer felt any of those things. Rather than special, she felt like a burden. And the exciting feeling she used to have turned to dread. "I-I should tell you- "but she was cut off as Rainstar led her clan toward the gathering cats, looking as annoyed as always.

"What is it, Tiny? I'm listening." The she-cat gave him an appreciative glance as she continued. "I... I'm not going to receive my immortality after all."

"Wait, what?" He asked.

Tiny told him everything, from Lynx's disappearance to Bounce still having the immortality that had supposedly been granted to the kittypet.

Keenpaw lowered his voice, making sure no other cat could hear him. "We can't just ignore that, Tiny! Bounce is still out there; we have to go find him and get your immortality!" He hissed.

"But... We don't even know where he's gone." Tiny said.

"I'm sure some cat knows a general direction at least." He replied. "We'll find him. I'm sure of it."

That was when Wolfcall burst through a tangle of overgrown vines leading her clanmates. A few inquiring mews rippled through the mass of cats which Tiny guessed were referring to Lightningstar's absence.

"Wolfcall," Moonstar greeted the deputy. "Where is Lightningstar?"

"Sick in the healer's den I'm afraid." She answered. "I'll be taking his place for tonight."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Mumble put in. "I hope he gets well soon."

"Thank you." She gave him a nod of appreciation.

The cats continued to make small talk as they waited for FlameClan to arrive, but they never did. And eventually, the gathered clan cats began to get tired of waiting around for them.

As the three leaders met up on the hill, Tiny was forced to rejoin the members of the Clanless Clowder and leave Keenpaw. As usual, Rainstar began first, not even waiting for any other cat to make an announcement.

"Prey has been running well in CliffClan this moon. We had a short skirmish with FlameClan over the river, but it is no longer a concern." She paused and Moonstar parted his jaws to speak, but Rainstar continued once again before the tom could even make a sound. "Also, if you spot our healer, Petalwish around, please let me know. She has proven herself to be disloyal to CliffClan and she's been cast out for the time being."

Tiny stiffened. She remembered Petalwish. How could she forget the kind-hearted healer? The she-cat had saved her life just a few days before and Tiny could scarcely believe a caring cat like her could have such bad intentions.

"Petalwish? What did she do?" Came a voice within the crowd.

"I won't go into detail, but I can assure you that she is nothing but trouble." The leader snarled.

"Prey has been running well in StreamClan as well. We sadly lost one of our warriors, Shortstorm though." Said the pinkish-colored tom.

Tiny shuddered with grief. No wonder Keenpaw had looked so sad. Shortstorm, their mother was gone. And Tiny couldn't even be there to say goodbye.

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