Chapter 23

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Every cats' gaze snapped toward the sound as it split the air. Sunpaw tasted the air, trying to find where the kits could be. But the only thing he seemed to smell was the strong scent of StreamClan that lay at the border.

Quickpaw's eyes rounded in horror and her amber gaze met Sharpswipe's. "Do you think they found the river?" She asked, her soft voice quivering in worry. "It isn't safe for any cat, much fewer kits! We have to make sure they're safe!"

She bounded a few paces toward the direction of the river, but her mentor's snarl stopped her in her tracks. "Quickpaw! Get your tail back here right this instant!" He gave a sharp glare to the two other she-cats in the patrol before returning his attention to Quickpaw. "They're BreezeCan's responsibility, not ours!" The sandy apprentice opened her jaws as if she was going to retort something back at the StreamClan deputy, but she clamped her mouth shut once again without another word. Hesitantly, she retreated to Sharpswipe's side.

"But they're just kits," The brown-furred she-cat put in, "They're too young to understand what they are doing and it isn't right to just stand by and let the river take them."

The other she-cat with gleaming gray fur took a step toward her clanmate. "I agree with Oakshine. It's only right for us to help them, even if they belong to a different clan."

A low growl rumbled in the deputy's throat. "No. I won't permit it!" But The two she-cats as well as Quickpaw started forward. Sunpaw looked from the three she-cats to Sharpswipe for a long moment, unsure of what to do. But eventually, he joined the she-cats, crossing the BreezeClan-StreamClan border. After all, they were his own clan's kits, so it was only right that he went along. And he sure hoped he wouldn't get in trouble.

As they approached, he began to hear the calming sound of rushing water. Well, it would be calming if Sunpaw wasn't so concentrated on whether the Fiercekit and Cleverkit were in danger or not. To be honest, he didn't even know there was a river there until now. He couldn't even hear its quiet roars from BreezeClan land, even from the border.

Another squeal split the air, full of fear and Sunpaw thought maybe a hint of pain, but he couldn't be sure. His pace quickened, although he kept behind the StreamClan warriors ahead of him. He hoped they were just playing or worried that they got lost and that they weren't in any real trouble.

They emerged from the deep undergrowth to a clearing with stubby-looking trees and overgrown plants along the outer edge. At its center was a river, long and wide like a flooded chasm of swiftly rushing water. And looking wildly around with his tail wrapped over his paws was Fiercekit, digging his tiny claws into a flat rock lodged in the center of the stream.

The small kit was trapped there, surrounded by nothing but endless water that was just waiting to swallow the kit. Sunpaw made his way to the edge, his paws splattered with mud and it took so much effort just to take a step.

At the opposite side stood Cleverkit, so close to the water Sunpaw thought she must have been preparing to jump in after her brother. But at the sight of the StreamClan patrol she froze and once her eyes met Sunpaw's her face seemed to glow with hope. The little she-kit squeaked, something at him, but the apprentice couldn't make out anything she was saying over the crashing sound of the river.

"You'll be alright! We'll make sure you both are safe!" He called back to her. He looked toward the patrol, giving them a desperate look. Please help me save them!

"You're the most powerful swimmer out of all of us, Shortstorm. Do you think you could fight the current long enough to rescue him?" Oakshine asked.

The she-cat nodded. "Yes, I can try that. Quickpaw follows the riverbank up until you see the log bridge. From there you can retrieve the other kit and bring her over here."

The young apprentice nodded eagerly. "Yes, Shortstorm. I can absolutely do that!" The sandy-colored apprentice bounded away.

"I'll go with her," Sunpaw added. "She's my clan's responsibility after all."

The two she-cats nodded, but just as he started sprinting toward his sister, he heard the deep voice of Sharpswipe shout something at the remaining patrol members, followed by the splash of water to which Sunpaw assumed was Shortstorm.

The log was slick and wet and he had to dig his claws into the decaying bark to make sure he stayed upright and didn't fall into the water. Every time his paws slipped, his heart lurched before he caught himself and kept on.

The two apprentices made it to the bank though and they raced to reach Cleverkit who was huddled in a patch of mud and grass, shivering with fear and eyes wide as she watched Shortstorm.

Sunpaw glanced toward the she-cat who had safely made it to the rock where she was now reaching to grasp Fiercekit's scruff in her jaws. But he returned his focus to the tiny she-kit, grasping her and carrying her back to the log bridge.

Quickpaw followed him from behind, making sure he was watching where he was going and helping him avoid particularly slippery spots.

Then, as he took another pawstep, he felt his forepaw give out beneath him and he swayed, feeling himself lose his balance. He dug his claws as firmly as he could into the fallen tree, but his luck seemed to be running out. His back legs slipped off first, leaving him hanging just above the river's surface, with only his forepaws to hold him.

Quickpaw grasped his scruff in her jaws, trying to pull him up, but it was no use. She wasn't strong enough to carry all of his weight.

"Take Fiercekit!" He tried to tell her through his clenched jaws, and to his relief she seemed to understand him, reaching for the kit. And just as she did, he felt his muscles scream and his claws finally slip. He shut his eyes as he fell into the roaring water, the impact stinging his pelt like scorching claws. To his astonishment, another force slammed into him, knocking the air out of him. He felt his head break the surface and he gasped for breath, looking around to see what had hit him.

It was Shortstorm, coughing and sputtering as she desperately flailed her paws, trying to fight the current. But Sunpaw could see just how exhausted she was by the tired look in her eyes. But determination still flared like a blazing fire.

She nudged Sunpaw toward the bank and both of them were able to reach for the mud. Just as he had dragged himself up though, he watched the gray paws of the she-cat disappear as the current overtook her.

A gray blur shot past him, still trying to fight the water. But the river was too strong for her tired muscles. She wouldn't be able to beat it.

He collapsed on the mud, gasping and panting for breath. His muscles ached and the cold water that soaked his fur made him shiver.

Within a moment, the other cats were at his side. Oakshine seemed to be checking over him for wounds, and Quickpaw was licking him gently in an effort to warm him. Sharpswipe's gaze was frozen on the river as if he expected Shortstorm to miraculously break the water's surface and come tearing toward the bank. But from deep within himself, he knew the she-cat was gone for good.

But after everything, the kits were alive and safe now. Sunpaw just wished Shortstorm didn't have to risk her life for them.

☁ 𝒜𝓈 𝒞𝓁𝑜𝓊𝒹𝓈 𝒞𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒮𝓀𝓎 ☁Where stories live. Discover now