Chapter 5

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Tiny and the other apprentices in the clowder stood side by side in front of the hill near the four clan deputies, their mentors standing right behind them. Their purpose in the gathering was to keep the peace between the cats so SpiritClan didn't have to send clouds to cover the moon and declare their disapproval, ending the gathering much earlier than most cats would like.

An uneasy silence fell under the cats as Rainstar cleared her throat. Tiny knew her opinions on each clan and the cats in them were supposed to stay neutral, but so far, she didn't like the CliffClan leader at all. Her blazing amber eyes and irritated remarks made a shiver go down the small apprentice's spine and wasn't appealing at all to her. I wonder how the cats of CliffClan put up with her.

"CliffClan is doing well as always. Abundant prey running within our borders and no sign of predators or trespassers." The she-cat took a step back to eye the other three leaders, waiting for one to step forward and speak next. After a few heartbeats, her former leader Moonstar spoke up.

"I'm glad your clan is thriving, Rainstar. StreamClan is also doing quite well, although we did spot a fox on the edge of our border near BreezeClan. We chased it away, but I would watch out for it in case it takes cover in your territory, Lightningstar."

Uneasy whispers spread among some of the cats, likely the members of BreezeClan, but they were quickly silenced when Lightningstar opened his jaws to speak. "Thank you for warning us, Moonstar. We wouldn't want to run into another fox unexpectedly and experience serious injuries like the last time."

Many cats murmured in agreement, although Tiny didn't know what he meant by his statement. She didn't know much about what went on in each clan, as that was her first gathering in her life, but she continued to listen. "Yes, what happened to Cloudysky was shocking to all of us. Sight is very important to a clan cat." Burningstar meowed in reply.

Tiny searched the gathered cats, but she didn't know who Cloudysky was. And if the cat was chosen to go the gathering, it certainly wasn't obvious that they had damaged eyes. "We also have two new apprentices, Mistpaw and Keenpaw, and our other kit, Tiny has been chosen as an apprentice of the Clanless Clowder!" Moonstar announced.

"Mistpaw! Keenpaw! Tiny!" The gathered cats cheered their names and Tiny couldn't help but feel a twinge of pride.

As the cheers died down, Burningstar stepped forward. "We don't have very much to report either. Now that the weather is warming up and the harsh winter has passed, the twolegs in our territory are coming out of their dens more often and our cats are having to be extremely careful that they don't catch us."

The apprentice had heard about FlameClan's unfortunate settlement when they had no luck finding territory elsewhere and were too lazy to search for new land themselves. "If you ever need to do so, you can always come join us in StreamClan. We have plenty of room in our caves and you could always join patrols alongside our warriors." Moonstar told the reddish she-cat.

"Thank you for your offer, but I'm afraid I'll have to decline. FlameClan has lived through this countless times before and will do so again. We can handle ourselves just fine." She replied, and from where Tiny watched the leaders, she could see Burningstar's fur bristling slightly, but within a few moments it lay flat once again.

"Well, if you ever change your mind—" But Moonstar was cut off by a hiss from Burningstar.

"My decision is final! We don't need help from any other clans!" Tiny could tell she was trying to keep herself calm, but the anger she felt was beginning to get the best of her. She barred her teeth at the leader, her unsheathed claws digging into the grass atop the hill.

That's when Mumble of the Clanless Clowder stepped forward. "Okay, let's drop the subject. It seems FlameClan doesn't need help."

Rainstar rolled her eyes with a sigh. "Why is it that the other cats leading these clans act like a bunch of mouse-brained kits?" She growled.

"At least I offered to help," Moonstar replied. "You're the closest clan to them, yet you don't seem to care!"

"I have my own clan to take care of, thank you very much!" She snarled; her hackles raised.

Finally, Fox, one of the Clowder's apprentices spoke up. "Cut it out! All of you!" She yowled. "If we want the gathering to continue, we can't go on arguing like this!"

"What do you know?" Rainstar sneered. "You're just an apprentice after all!"

Fox's fur bristled at her remark, but her mentor, Wolf hissed at her in warning and she backed down with a glance of angry disappointment. But Frost stuck up for the red tabby apprentice. "She's right! If you all keep this up, SpiritClan will end the gathering!"

At that, the three arguing leaders went silent and all Tiny could hear was the hushed mews of the gathered cats below the hill. No cat spoke until Rainstar got to her paws and leaped down the hill. "CliffClan's leaving! I've had enough of this group of SpiritClan-adoring rogues telling us what to do for the night!"

Most of the CliffClan cats seemed hesitant at first, but they all eventually followed their leader away from the flower field and towards the valley where their camp was.

Lightningstar, who had pretty much stayed silent during the entire argument between the leaders broke the silence that followed Rainstar's sudden departure. "Now that she's gone, I heard a rumor that a strange illness recently hit CliffClan this moon, although she never mentioned anything."

Burningstar nodded. "I heard that as well. Our healer cat Oddblaze had to help Petalwish earlier today because of said illness." From within the crowd of cats she spotted the reddish tabby healer nod his head in agreement. A few cats murmured their confusion as Moonstar spoke.

"How odd she never mewed anything about it, especially since she sought help from FlameClan." Tiny had to admit that it was surprising, as Rainstar didn't seem like the type to ask for help. "It must've been very serious, but I hope their clan members are all okay now."

"Yes. Rainstar can be a bit... er... impolite, but SpiritClan shouldn't punish the entire clan for her actions..." Lightningstar mewed.

"I think FlameClan will take their leave now," Burningstar dipped her head to the other two leaders. "Until the next full moon. And may SpiritClan light your path."

Moonstar and Lightningstar nodded. "StreamClan as well." The pinkish tom replied. "Until next moon, Burningstar. And to you too, Lightningstar."

As the gathering broke apart and the clowder returned to their dens, Tiny couldn't help but think how grateful she and all the cats of the clans should be that most of the leaders were peaceful. Hopefully no cats would have to suffer the bloodshed and loss of a battle for many lifetimes. She hadn't experienced any battles herself, but even as a kit she always hoped it would never happen while she lived. And it won't. She assured herself. I'm an apprentice of the Clanless Clowder now, one of the cats who keeps the peace between the clans and obeys the will of SpiritClan no matter what. She closed her eyes as her thoughts wandered on, hoping she'd eventually fall asleep. I won't let any of the clans get into long-lasting conflict. I was chosen to fulfill this role, so I won't let any cat down. That was the last thought she remembered as her mind drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

☁ 𝒜𝓈 𝒞𝓁𝑜𝓊𝒹𝓈 𝒞𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒮𝓀𝓎 ☁Where stories live. Discover now