Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

"I am so glad she is going with me!"I thought as I ran up the stairs to get ready. What should I wear, how about a tight white v-neck with some jeans and sneakers.

"Maddie are you ready we need to go!"I yelled up the stairs.

"I'm coming, let me grab my phone!"she yelled back down the stairs.

Maddie's POV

"Let's go."I said grabbing his hand and pulling him outside. "Where do you want to go?"I asked him.

"How about Nando's?"he asked.

"Alright fine by me."I said.

"Why did you say yes to come with me?"he asked stopping in is tracks.

"Because I think your adorable in a cute way."I said.

"Okay, why did you talk to Louis?"he asked.

"Before I came he gave me rules, rule number 1 don't start liking any of the boys and I asked him if I could like you."I said.

"So you like me now?"he asked.

"I like you, but I think we should stay friends since I met you yesterday."I said.

"Okay, c'mon lets go eat."he said pulling me into the restaurant.

Harry's POV

I can't believe she likes me. I am so happy.

"Earth to Harry!"Maddie yelled in my face.

"What!"I said.

"Are you going to order."she said quieter this time.

"Oh yeah, uh I'll have the chicken and mashed potatoes, please."he said.

*after eating, on the walk*

"I really like their food, it taste delicious."she said breaking the silence.

"Yea, if you come with Niall he order the whole menu."I said.

"You know we don't have to stay in the friend zone for that long."she said grabbing my hand.

"Oh really, we'll we will have to change that won't we."I said walking to the door.

"Well if you like the friend zone we can stay."she said squeezing my hand.

"Nah, I like you too much."I said grabbing her other hand.

"Well Mr.Styles, looks like we can't finish our conversation we're being watched by my over protective brother."she said letting go of my hands.

"Ahh, too bad we can finish it tomorrow."I said walking in the house.

Louis' POV

Ugh, where are they. They should have been home 1 minute ago they are so grounded.

"Alright enough I like you but can't say love you come in y'all are both grounded for a week."I said pulling them in the house.

"Louis you can't ground me I'm 18 okay."Maddie and Harry said at the same time.

"Oh well you guys aren't aloud to go out past 11 anymore."I said crossing my arms.

"Well I'm going to bed I'm tired."Maddie said walking up the stairs with Harry following her.

"You guys no funny business!"Louis yelled up the stairs.

Maddie's POV

"Louis you are disgusting!"I yelled down the steps with Harry following into my room.

"Harry you are sleeping in your own room."I said grabbing my pajamas.

"You need a bodyguard."he said sitting on my bed.

"No now go to your room I have to change."I said giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Fine but if here you scream I'll be here faster that you can blink."he said walking out if the room.

"Okay superman."I said closing the door.

I changed quickly and jumped in my bed and fell asleep right when my head hit the pillow.

Harry's POV

"Awe she is so cute when she is sleeping."I said

"Yea, now go get a bucket of cold water."Louis said.

"Uh, no."I said shaking her arm.

"Gosh you are so stubborn!"Louis said stomping out of the room.

"Is he gone?"Maddie said yawning.

"Yea, the coast is clear."I said.

"Oh good now can you get out I need to take a shower and change."she said getting some clothes.

"Fine, what do you want for breakfast?"I said.

"Umm, how about a bowl if cereal."she said.

"Okay."I said walking down the stairs.

Louis' POV

"Ahhh, don't hurt my carrots!"I screamed while Liam was chopping them up.

"Louis calm down I'm just making a salad for later today, okay!"Liam yelled in my face.

"Oh why didn't you say so."I said while putting some biscuits in the oven.

"Don't burn those you need to watch them, they cook fast."Liam said.

"Yea, yea whatever."I said sitting on the couch watching the tv.

*15 minutes later*

"Oh my gosh Louis you burnt the biscuits!"Liam yelled while getting the burnt biscuits out of the oven.

"Oops."I said while hitting Zayn and Harry in the arm for laughing.

"I smell food!"Niall yelled running down the steps and tripping on a shoe. "Owww, that hurt who put that shoe there."he said rubbing his head.

"M-m-me." I got out between laughs.

"Lou I'll get back at you but now I'm hungry."he said shoveling eggs into his mouth.

Maddie's POV

"Hey guys."I said sitting at the table beside Harry and Zayn.

"Helloooo."Harry said with a big smile on his face.

"Vas happenin!"Zayn yelled in my ear.

"Oww, that's my ear Zayn."I said hitting him in the shoulder.

"Zayn move I wanna sit beside my sister."Louis said pushing Zayn into the floor.

"Louis stop hurting people."Liam said helping Zayn up.

"Oh, but its fun."he said starting to pout.

"Wanna go for a walk Harry?"I asked.

'Umm, sure why not."he said.

"Let's go"I said grabbing my phone and pulling him out the door.

"What's up?"he asked me.

"You wanted to finish our conversation from last night didn't you."I said grabbing his hand.

"Well all I wanted to say was that I really like you and that we agreed not to stay in the friend zone for a long time."he said.

"Yea, about that."I said stopping in my tracks.


CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!! Oo I'm evil.

Bye Bye my Harry fans

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