Chapter 17

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Harry's POV

I changed into some basketball shorts and a sleeveless shirt. I walked downstairs with my phone in hand. I checked twitter.

Harry Styles

Goooood evening everybody!!! I hope you all have had a great day! Love you all!!

I pressed the send button and watched the comments flow in. Maddie came down and snuggled into my chest. "Hey babe!"I said and kissed the top of her head. "Hey."she said. "What's up?"I asked making her look at me. "Zayn is acting different around me. It's like whenever me and you are together, he storms off. It's weird." I nodded and thought for a second. "Do you think-"I started but got cut off. "He likes me."she finished. "I'm gonna kill him!"I growl. "No Harry! He's your best mate, don't kill him!"she tried to stop me but I ran into his room.

Zayn's POV

I was sitting on my bed thinking of ways to break them up, when Harry ran in looking more pissed than ever. "WHY ARE YOU CRUSHING ON MY GIRLFRIEND?!"he yelled, grabbing my shirt. "I'm not."I shrugged. "Yeah you are! Your the one who's been trying to break us up! You've been jealous of me because I have her!"he pointed to Maddie that was standing in the doorway, horrified. "Okay, I admit it. I am jealous of you because you have her. You know, "cake face" is what you called her, yeah I paid her to do that."I shrugged and tried to walk off but Maddie was in my way. She smirked and punched me in the gut. I doubled over in pain as she walked by me to go to Harry.

Maddie's POV

I heard feet run up the steps. Niall and Callie burst into the room. "What happened?!"Callie yelled.. The door hit Zayn's head and he fell to the ground now holding his head. "Sorry. What happened?"she asked again. "We just found out that Zayn has been crushing on me for a few weeks."I said, glaring at Zayn. "Oh well we're going on a date."Callie smiled and kissed Niall's cheek. He smiled and kissed her. In like 2 minutes they were full on snogging. "Uhh, guys, hey, we're still here."I broke them apart and they walked off.

"Deserves you right."I said and walked out, Harry right behind me. "Wanna go somewhere?"he winked. "Yeah sure! Where?"I said, getting ready to run up the stairs. "Theater."he said and I ran up the steps 2 at a time. I took a shower as fast as you could say "Nutella". I quickly ran to my walk-in closet and pick out something to wear.

I picked out skinny jeans and a blue Hollister top. I slipped some black converse on, with socks of course. I scrunched my hair and clipped it back to the side. I wore mascara and eyeliner to make my eyes pop. I sure hope I don't cry. I grabbed my purse and black iPhone and walked downstairs. It was a bit chilly outside, so I put my purple North Face jacket on. Harry came down the steps and grabbed the keys. I grabbed his hand and off we were.

We pulled into the theater parking lot and parked. He got out and ran to my side. He opened the door and held my hand as I got out. I shook my head and we walked in to get our tickets. "Hello! Two tickets for The Croods."he said, getting out his wallet. She nodded and typed something in her computer. Two tickets came out of the printer thingy. She handed us the tickets and Harry handed her the money. We walked in and showed the tickets to the person and walked to the room.

We took our seats in the middle and watched the commercials. "These are so boring."I whined, whipping out my phone. I opened up my twitter app and tapped the button to make a new tweet.

Why are commercials soooooooooo boring?!?!

I hit the send button and put my phone in my purse. The movie came on and I ate more of my popcorn.

"That was so funny!"I laughed coming out of the movie theater. "It's was!"Harry chuckled. We got on our phones walking to the parking lot. Harry suddenly fell to the ground with an oof. "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!"some girl said helping Harry up. "It's okay! Are you okay?"he asked. "Yeah I'm fine. Are you okay?"she looked at me then him and her eyes widened. "Yes I'm Harry Styles and this is Maddie."he shushed her and pointed to me. She nodded probably not able to speak. "So, what's your name?"I smiled. "Hallie."Hallie smiled. "So you know who we are? Right?"Maddie asked. Oh great whats she got up her sleeve. Hallie nodded and bit her lip. "How would you like to meet Zayn Malik?"Maddie raised and eyebrow and crossed her arms. Her eyes widened again. "Yeah I would love that!"she squealed. "Okay do you just wanna follow us to our house, or what?"Maddie asked, grabbing the keys out of my pocket. "Yeah okay."she said and got in her car. Maddie and I got in our car and drove off with Hallie right behind us.

We got to our house and parked. I got out and ran to the door. I unlocked it. Now why do they lock it? "ZAYN MALIK, GET YOUR BUTT DOWN THE STAIRS AND TO THE DOOR! NOW!"I yelled. Maddie and Hallie were laughing at me. I started to pout and Maddie came over and kissed my pout away. Hallie's nose crinkled up in disgust. Maddie rolled her eyes and Zayn came down. "What d- hello."he stopped mid-sentence and looked Hallie up and down. "Hi!"she waved. "We'll leave you two to talk."Maddie winked and we walked inside.

Zayn's POV

"We'll leave you two to talk."Maddie winked and they went inside. "So what's your name?"I said trying to break the ice. "Hallie. And your Zayn."she said. "Yup! You wanna come in?"I asked. She nodded and we walked in. "Guys meet Hallie."I said after closing the door. "Hello."they chorused in unison. She waved and we walked upstairs.


Hellllllloooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! I love you guys so much!!! I don't know why I said that but I'm just so happy that you guys are reading this story.

I missed writing so I posted this chapter! Vote if you liked it, comment if you liked it, follow me if you liked it!!

I gotta go. Love y'all!!!!

ADIOS JELLYBEANS!!! I'm not Spanish.

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