I hate you........I love you.

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"Babe I can explain!" "No, where through!" "W-wait!" Mondo grabbed your shoulders but you slapped him on the face "Don't touch me...I hate you.." you left his house.

Mondo stood there looking down...

"You don't need her anyways.." Junko rolled her eyes

"Shut up!.." mondo replied back with anger in his face

"Hpmh, whatever.."

I when back to my house (FBI OPEN UP) you slammed the door behind you "Hey y/n what happened?" Your mom said, "n-nothing!" you went to your room crying.



"Y/n why are you crying?.."

"Leave me alone!"

..... "I-...if you want me to I'll leave then.."

The room went silent.. you cried till you fell asleep.

mom pov

I don't know why my daughter is crying...did something happened to her?.. did she got bullied, did she got heart broken?..

I heard a knock from the door.

I went to to see her boyfriend at the door.

Mondo POV

"H-hi Umm is y/n here?.."

"Oh- yea she's in her room crying for some reason.."

"Can I talk to her?"

"Yeah sure come in in"

As she let me in I went up to her room I knocked on her door.. "uhm y/n are you in here?.." you didn't respond I still knocked on the door twice but still didn't respond I opened the door and it was unlocked I approached her..I lift her hair up to her ears to avoid her hair in her mouth 'God damn you're so beautiful..'

You woke up.
You turn your whole body around

"Go away..why are you here?"

"..I just wanna apologize for what I did.."

I tried to put my hand on her head but she smack my hand away.

"Don't touch me corn-head"



I layed down next to her I saw her red face.

"Can you get off my bed.."


I kissed her on her forehead.


"I love you"


(Ah shit this is so cringy lol)

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