|Bro its just a Prank dude..| !Male Reader

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I was with Leon about to pull a prank on mondo. We went to every store trying to find washable marker Leon found one and bought it.

We went to Mondo place tying to find his bike. We found his bike in the garage opened I pick one marker up and Started drawing and left the place. Mondo dog did saw what happened. (OWA OWA)

The next day

Mondo went up to you and Leon but Red hair boy left when he saw mondo. "Hey you!" "Huh? m-" he picked you up and lined you to the wall "You damn bastard! Did you and leon wrote something to my bike!" "Bro it's just a prank-" "Prank Huh!" He got closer to you and dropped you "You're lucky that your in a public place I would kill you" "Hey look Mondo I'm sorry I didn't mean to I just wanted to pull a prank on you that's all.." "Tch- whatever.." he putted his both hands in his pockets and left.

Y/n: ;-;

Leon: :-:'.....

Mondo: 👹🌽👹

A/n: 🥚

Sorry if it was short I was in the car ✨crying✨

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