pt.4 WOOOOO!

266 5 1

You: Finally. Sorry about that he's drunk

Mondo: I'm not drunk!

You: Yea yeah whatever lets go back home. I'm driving

Mondo: No, you can't drive because i-i'm a cop hands up 🔫

You: Woah w-wh-where did you get that gun..

Mondo: Oh, a drug dealer gave me it

You: ..oh...

Mondo: I'll use this gun to protect me and you shorty

You: S-shut up

Mondo: Ahaha you're cute when your angry, give me kisses now. u3u

You: 7//3//7

Mondo: Yea, that how I like it ;}

You: Come on lets go

Mondo: Ooooookayyyyiiieee

At Home

Mondo: Let's play just dance

You: No, It's getting late I have to take you to sleep


You: Ugh.....fine alright just this once..

Mondo: YAYYIIEEE Thank you shortie

You: Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever handsome

Mondo: Ugh.....idk which to pick...MMMMMMMMMMMMMMH... How about this 

You: *Takes phone out*

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