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Idk what I'm writing but ima do random cause I don't know what to do.

Warning: Slightly lemon/lime but not really

You and Mondo, where going to get a drink at the bartender cause why not. When you walked in you saw your (f/n) (friends name). "hi y/n long time no see Huh." "Oh hey (f/n) you've change a lot haven't you?" "Well..yes I have been working about like 2 years now I guess.." your friend shrugged, cleaning the glass "Anyways how may I help you?"  "um I would like a (f/d)" " sir?" "Uh..I'll get the same thing as well" "Alright you guys can sit there while I finish making it" you nodded and sat down.
"Uh well..." awkward. "How's your day going?" "I'm going okay" you told him "How's yours?" "Well good I guess-" "Alrighty your guys drink are done!" The ULTIMATE bartender handed to you "Thanks" the bartender nodded and went back to working.

Leon: you lazy as-
Author-Chan: *pulls out 1000 cannon of baseballs* shut up


After leaving and saying goodbye to your bartender friend. You and Mondo went back home and change into your pajamas and mondo...he just wore his saggy pants and no shirt, it made your face red "what? like what you see?" He smirked and that made your face even redder.

Another day brought to you by I CANT BELIEVE ITS BUTTER

You woke up first and was about to wake up Mondo "Hey Mo-" you noticed but tried to fix it but clearing your throat but when you talked "Mond-" mondo woke up to he his beautiful girlfriend? Boyfriend? (yes this is a mondo x fReader I'm sorry if your a boy and reading this-) "Y/n why a-" when he realized he looked down to see know breast he poked it "A-am I a g-girl?" He went up to the bathroom to see a girl in the mirror which it was mondo. "AM A BOY!!?" You screamed. "I..I..I.......what's going on?.." "I don't know" mondo said it in a girl voice.

After calming your ass down

Everything went silence even a fly was silence and eating the crumbs on the counter (Author-Chan: Kill it-) you looked down at Mondo. Lol he short. "Your short" you chuckled "W-what no I'm n-not..I'm tough.."he pouted "Your to cute" you patted his head. "So where do you want to go mondo?" "Idk" he shrugged.

You both guys went out and most of the girls would come up to you "Hey" "Uhm...hi?" "MmH~" she licked her lips which it made you uncomfortable "Uhh what do you want?" "I want you to be mine~" "sorry I-" "She- HE'S! Taken.." You looked down to see Mondo gripped on your waist, the girl ran away embarrassed "I hate this..." "yeah same ba-" a drunk man approached to mondo (tHe GiRl) "H-hey baby~ you l-lookin c-cute" "I'm sorry but I'm taken.." mondo still gripped onto you cringing at that man. You both walked away holding his hand so he wouldn't be taken away.

After eating and drinking and being flirted

You sighed and sat down on the couch "I'm bored" "same babe.." you looked up and down at him "Hey my eye are up here" "sorry I just can't stop admiring your body~" (uh) "I..shut up!..." you laughed a bit and pinned him down "G-get off of me-" you attacked him and licking his neck "ngh..y-y/n..stop please.." "Oh come on I just wanna try how does it feels by having fun with you~" "" "let's just go to sleep" "okay" you change and remove your shirt revealing the abs (oh fu-) and mondo.

He just changed into shorts and a tang top. You were the big spoon and he was the small spoon which he doesn't mind being a smoll spoon.

The morning

"YAAWWWWNNNS~" you woke up and notice you were back to a girl "Mondo" you shaked him but he was still sleepy. You got up walked to the kitchen and went back with a cup of water and dumped it on him, which it mad him wake up "idniwnxisnxu Y/n! I-" he realized he wasn't a girl no more cause god he hate being a girl and haded to go through the period which nis you are in your period like mine :').


Hey sorry for not writing some long chapters is that I'm a,ways to lazy to do some

And I'm doing okay yeah

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