Mondo x Reader

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You got a new friend, tall, handsome, strong. You both met in the gym talking about bikes 🏍.
You couldn't trust anyone but you trusted Mondo, and promised mondo that we will get out of this shitty place and be together.
"Oh, hey Mondo" "hey y/n, whatsup?" "Eh nothing much. You?" "Same" he sat down waiting for the time to pass by.

In your room

"Nya Ichi Ni San Nya Arigato!"
"Nya Ichi Ni San Nya Arigato"
"Nya Ichi Ni San Nya Arigato"
"Ny-" your friend came in the room with out knocking on your door
"Oh hey mondo" red hair boy said while mondo glaring at him
Are you okay Mondo? You look enraged.."
"Hmh? Do I.." he clenched his fist
"Uhh mondo.." Leon looked at him with trepidation
You stood up trying to calm him down "Hey something wron-" he grabbed you by the waist "Don't take her way from me she's mine" you blushed and Leon just stared confused "uh what but we here doing that one-"

You both left

"While she's gone with him I'm just going to check in the closet-"

Mondo owada X Readers (Danganronpa OneShots+headcannons)Where stories live. Discover now