|Angy doggy! Mondo x Reader|

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I was walking back to my house and saw this little dog walking it looked back up to me, and started growling at me but it came closer to me I stood there trying not to move.

It smelled me and the rest of it's doggy gang came and started barking at me. I crouched down watching to pet him put it bit me to pull it away but I put my other hand on its head, and it let go of me. I tried to stand up but the dog whimpered and went to it's human form and starting to apologize.

"I'm sorry I-"

"Ahhh What the fu-"

"Please forgive me.." he gave you the puppy eyes

I sighed and forgive him he went up to you to see that your okay "I'm really sorry" "oh no it's okay" you tried to pet his head with your other hand but he took your hand and looked at you and putted on his face.

I scratched his face making him feeling comfortable. I looked at the rest of the doggies on the ground waiting there


"There all cute"

They all wag there tails.


Lol cringe)

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