Special Chapter 10 Ram's POV

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Staring out of the window, I couldn't help but think of my P'.
Still coming to university even after a sleepless night sure suited him.
Hah, what a worrisome P' I have...
Before getting to know him better I always felt like he was a cool person but because he was friends with P'Bohn I never paid much attention to him.
Finding out that P'King is my soulmate was... Surprising.
Not in a bad way though.
I had thought that he looked attractive before but after realizing our connection he appeared to be even more attractive.
I want nothing more but to be close to him...
Even though he always ends up running away these days.
Seeing him blush made me feel... Excited.
And happy.
It was addicting to fluster him.
So adorable.
So cute.
My P'King is the best and smartest!
Everyone knows that.
But when he's with me he shows me a side that not everyone knows.
His shyness makes me melt every time.
He's just so precious and pretty that I want to cuddle him really bad.
But if I would just cuddle and hug him like I want to he would run away, probably.
Ah, what to do?
Love sure is troublesome… Or at least that's what my mom always says.
Do I love him?
Duen would say that I'm most definitely in love with P'King.
I don't really know…
It's too early to be sure.
But if Duen would ask me whether or not I liked him then I'd say yes.
I absolutely adore him.
He'd wonderful.
And every minute I spend with him I am happy.
It's not love yet but I'm on the way to falling for him.
Who wouldn't fall in love with P'King?
He's sweet, caring, intelligent, supportive, pretty, loyal, protective, understanding, loving and adorable.
Words cannot describe how incredible he is.
"Hey, Ram. Ram! Are you there?"
Blinking, I looked up.
"What is it?"
"Class is over. We're going to the cafeteria. Are you coming with us?", Duen asked.
"Ah, yes", I answered and stood up, slightly irritated by how fast time flew by while I did nothing but to think about P'King.
"So, what were you pondering about?", Duen asked after a moment of silent walking, pulling me once again out of thoughts about a certain senior.
"Nothing…", I answered hesitantly.
All of the sudden, I was feeling a bit shy about my infatuation with P'King.
My best friend just stared at me blankly for a second.
"P'King it is then. I should have known"
Stammering and lightly blushing I tried hard to deny it but Duen didn't give me a chance.
"No, no. It's ok. I understand. You don't have to talk about it if you don't feel like it"
Another moment of silent walking.
"Though, you really aren't as sneaky as you think you are", Duen added with a cheeky grin and I wondered since when he had become this forward.
But then again, being straight forward probably was the only straight thing he would ever be and he had always been quite bold when it came to speaking his mind.
Duen certainly wasn't as shy and innocent as most people thought he was.
"At least I'm more sneaky than you", I shot right back and he gasped theatrically.
"That's not true!"
"It is"
"Not true!"
"Are you ok or should we come back later?", P'Boss asked, who appeared tight next to them out of nowhere.
"We're good", Duen and I answered perfectly in sync with each other.
"But I'm telling you it's not true, Ram", Duen added and I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Don't look at me like that! You know I'm right!!"
I just rolled my eyes and shook my head.
"Of this is about you guys being obvious as fuck then you're both wrong. Even a blind person would be able to see just how obvious you are staring at my friends. You're just lucky they're both very oblivious and as dense as bricks", Boss stated and they just stared at him in complete awe.
"Fascinating that you are the one saying that to us", I muttered and Duen nodded.
"Yeah, you really don't have the right to say things like that. P'Bohn and P'King might be oblivious but dense as a brick is more fitting for you than for them"
Completely flabbergasted, the short senior looked at them.
"What is that supposed to mean???"
"Mek", I just answered and he blushed.
"The wife and husband thing is a joke, you know that!!"
"A joke… Right...Keep telling yourself that and one day that might actually become true", Duen murmured.
"You know what? I'm not talking to you guys anymore. I'm done", the senior said and left.
"Did we offend him?", I asked after a while and Duen frowned.
"Maybe. P'King  and P'Bohn did say that he was very sensitive about the whole Mek topic"
I hummed contemplatively.
"We should apologize then…"
Duen nodded eagerly.
"Maybe flowers will help?"
"I don't know if that won't be weird… P'Bohn would probably be jealous"
"Oh… Yeah, not a good idea. You're right"
"P'King probably knows what to do…"
Duen stared at me for a moment before he started to grin.
"Oh I'm sure your P'King knows a lot"
My… P'King?
Feeling flustered, I decided not to think about how calling him mine made me feel.
Clearing my throat, I ignored Duen's teasing.
"I should go and check on him…"
"Ram! You're skipping class now?? What happened to you, my friend?", Duen asked, acting all dramatic while laughing and I rolled my eyes.
"Oh screw you, as if you haven't done that several times already for your beloved P'Bohn. P'King is actually sick, ok? I'm just being a good friend, that's all", I muttered and started walking away.
"Sure thing! Keep telling that to yourself!", my so-called best friend yelled after me as I was making my way to P'King's Dorm.

Hey everyone, sorry for not updating this story for months.
I'm hoping you had a good start into 2021 and that you're doing well.
Take care <3

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