Distracting Flower

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I grew worried when Bohn didn't came back after a while and decided to go and look for him.
However, I got distracted by a beautifully grown chrysanthemums and honeysuckles.
"Oh look at you guys. How incredible you look. So magnificent and pretty", I muttered while carefully checking and stroking the plants.
"P'King? Who are you talking to?"
I looked up and saw N'Ting Ting standing next to me.
"The plants, of course. Aren't they beautiful?"
The girl looked at me and smiled.
"Yes P', they really are pretty. You like plants a lot, am I right?"
"Why of course I do. They are easy to handle, calming and harmless. So magnificent and rewarding when you take good care of them"
She hummed thoughtful.
"That's true. Sadly, I am not good at taking care of plants. My mother bought some marigolds for me to take care of but they aren't in a good shape"
I frowned at her and thought about it.
"How do you water the plants?"
"I water them from above, why?"
"Marigolds don't like that. You should water them at their base and make sure that the soil gets dry before watering them again. Using fertilizer also isn't something I wouldn't recommend"
"Oh I see! I'll make sure to treat them right. You know so much about plants, P'King. You really like plants, don't you?"
I smiled and stood up.
"I absolutely adore plants. They are incredible"
N'Ting Ting nodded understanding.
"Did you come here to visit the plants?"
"Ah no, I was looking for Bohn, actually. I just got distracted by those beauties", I answered sheepishly and she giggled.
"I see, I see. Well I was looking for Duen as well so we can look together"
I nodded and we started walking down the path the couple had taken.
All of the sudden, the girl grabbed my arm and pulled me behind a bush.
"P', look! They seem to have a dispute"
I looked at where she was pointing and, indeed, it seemee like they were shouting at each other.
"Maybe he's jealous again", I said.
"P'Bohn seems to be a rather protective person"
I sighed and nodded.
"You can say that"
Ting observed me for a moment.
"Has he always been like that?"
I thought about her question.
"He has always been a very strong person who has a bad temper from time to time but…"
"But?", she asked curiously.
"But I think it's this bad with N'Duen because he's afraid that he will him once he meets someone better than him"
She smiled softly at that.
"He really loves him doesn't he?"
"N'Duen is a treasure to Bohn that he wants to protect at all times but he tends to be a bit too overbearing", I answered.
"And Duen is too naive and inattentive to notice that he's hurting his boyfriend by giving other men hope without even noticing it", Ting added.
"They are two halves that make a whole but communication is very important and I believe that that's something both have to learn"
"You are a wise man, P'King"
I snorted and smiled at her amused.
"Thanks but everyone can talk a lot when it isn't about themselves"
She chuckled and nodded.
"That's true. A wise man, as I said"
I took a look at Bohn and Duen again.
"They seem to have calmed down. I think they'll work it out. Let's leave them be"
The girl agreed and we made our way back to the mensa.
"So… What do you think about Ram?", she asked all of the sudden, smiling mischievously.
"He's N'Duen's best friend, is good in boxing and doesn't talk much. He has tattoos too and seems like a overall cool guy", I answered.
"So you would like to get to know him more?"
"It would be easier to help him with his homework etc when we were closer, yes", I responded as nonchalant as possible.
Ting Ting looked slightly disappointed but accepted my answer.
"Very well… See you later?"
"Ah no, I will meet some friends from another university so we probably won't see each other often today"
"That sounds nice! I hope you'll have a lot of fun, then", Ting Ting answered smiling and I thanked her.
"Just text me if you need anything. You have my number, right?"
"Ah no, I don't"
"Oh, well then I'll give it to you", I said and we exchanged numbers.
"Is it ok if I give your number to my friends as well? It would be confusing when I had to send you all the questions they had"
"Of course, go ahead but please don't give it to anyone else"
She smiled and shook her head.
"No worries, P'King. I will make sure that no weird person will get their hands on your number"
I thanked her and smiled.
"Alright then, I have to go. Take care and have a nice day, N'Ting Ting"
"You too P'!"
When I arrived at our table, Bohn was there as well.
"Oi King, are you done flirting?", Boss joked and I smacked him lightly.
"We didn't flirt. We were talking about plants"
"Ah, did she ask you for advice?", Mek asked and I nodded.
"She had some problems with taking care of her marigolds so I explained to her what the problem was"
Mek hummed and nodded.
"Taking care of plants really isn't easy… Which reminds me of something my Mom wanted me to ask you! She said that she has trouble with insects killing her plants but she doesn't want to use something that could harm her flowers as well"
I hummed thoughtful and took a moment to think about possible solutions which I then started to explain and promised Mek to make some notes for him that he could send to his mother.
"Thanks King, I appreciate it"
I smiled softly at my friend.
"No problem, that's what friends are for"
"So… Are you excited to meet the others?", Boss asked.
"Heck yeah, we haven't seen them in a long time", Bohn said enthusiastically.
"What do you think? Did Pha finally confess to N'Wayo?", Mek asked amused.
"From what I heard from Kit, he didn't even manage to recognize his love because he isn't wearing glasses anymore. Kit also said that Pha scared the poor child so badly that he asked Kit and Beam not to tell Pha that it's him because he thought Pha would be even more pissed", I explained and the others sighed.
"So he's a lost cause then", Boss concluded.
"If he's lucky the kid will make it work himself", Bohn added and I nodded.
"Well, we'll see"
"And we can tease him to no end. Who doesn't recognize his crush because of a pair of glasses?", Boss chuckled in disbelief.
"As intelligent as he is he truly isn't that bright when it comes to love" Mek muttered.
I couldn't help but agree with him.
Why do I feel like all my friends are idiots?

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