Dates And Responsibilities

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"Hahahaha, so you really ran away from him? I wish I would have seen that!!", Duen giggled and I sighed and sipped my coffee.
"I'm glad you find so much glee in my misery"
Whipping away the tears that were streaming down his face, he started giggling again.
"Aww, P', it's ok. No need to be embarrassed. I know how you feel", he tried comforting me amused.
I sighed again.
"It was horrible. How am I supposed to look him in the eyes again without blushing out of embarrassment??"
Letting my head hit the table, I groaned.
"Calm down, P'King. It isn't that bad. Besides, Ram asked you to treat him to dinner, didn't he? He will expect you to do that soon", Duen said and patted my shoulder.
"Where did he even take this much confidence? He isn't normally like that…"
"Actually, Ram is very straightforward. It's just that he feels awkward with strangers so he doesn't usually talk that much. But you know that already so… I guess he just really enjoys teasing you and that's why he talks to you in certain situations only"
I hummed thoughtful.
That makes sense.
Still, how am I supposed to ever speak to him again??
Urgh, gay panic sucks.
The embarrassment is too strong to handle.
For fuck's sake!
I really should get a grip on myself and regain my composure!
I'm a senior and should act like one!
Sitting up straight, I took another sip of my coffee.
"Anyway, I won't have the time to think about that for now. Too many projects are waiting to be done"
"Being y senior sucks, huh? I really don't know if I want to continue when I look at you and your mountains of assignments, homework etc.", Duen commented and grimaced.
I laughed and ruffled his hair.
"Just tell me when you struggle and I'll help. Don't think about it too much for now. You're still a first year, so enjoy your time and study for your exams. It's all preparation you'll need later on", I lectured and he nodded.
"I'm doing fairly well so far but thanks for the advice! I'd there anything else I should keep in mind?"
"Hm… Make sure to write down everything the professors say. They tend to put things they talked about before into the exams and if you didn't write it down you'll have a hard time"
"Oh I see… That explains why I struggled in the last few exams. There was always a part Thad seemed familiar but I just couldn't remember it even though I studied so much"
"Its tough but if you are prepared and are attentive in class you'll get good grades. I will copy my notes from the first year and give them to you tomorrow. I added notes from time to time so that should be helpful when the professor connects the topic to something you didn't had yet but could technically know"
"Thanks a lot, P'King! Now I know how Bohn and the others made it this far! My friends said you are really good at explaining and tutoring as well! You sure are amazing", he said and I smiled and shook my head.
"It's nothing. I enjoy helping others. And if you don't have to struggle as much as we did then I don't have to worry about you guys not getting enough sleep and falling ill because of the stress. It's really no fun to go to class with sleep deprivation"
"You are really nice, P'. I'm glad I have such a gentle senior and not a harsh and strict one"
"You better not let Bohn head you compliment me", I teased and he chuckled.
"No worries, he won't be able to do anything. I can make become completely tame by now", he joked back and I grinned.
"So it worked?"
"It worked really well! He was so flustered that not just his face and ears but even his neck flushed bright red. It was a really funny and adorable sight. He was so lost that he barely managed to say a word and refused to look at me"
"Awww", I cooed laughing and he grinned mischievously.
"I'm enjoying my new found power a lot. Whenever we're alone I do everything I can to make him blush and shy. He's just too cute and irresistible when embarrassed"
"You, my friend, are a sadist" I commented amused and he chuckled.
"Maybe I am but it's his own fault for teasing me so much earlier on!"
Shaking my head, I looked at my junior.
"Poor Bohn. Don't tease him too much or he might ends up running away like I did"
"Oh don't worry, I wouldn't let him get away so easily"
He sure changed a lot since I adviced him to try and be a bit more dominant.
Who would have thought that the two would totally switch roles?
It sure is astonishing what a little push in the right direction can do.
Bohn will probably kill me as soon as finds out that it was me who gave Duen the idea to make him blush…
Oh well, life is full of dangers and risks.
But that will probably come back to bite me in the ass.
I don't think I got good karma by causing that…
"Ah by the way, I might have told Ram that I was going to meet up with you and where", he stated innocently as if he didn't just told me that he dug my grave.
What did I just say?
Bad karma always gets you when you least expect it…
Choking on my drink, I was thrown into a coughing fit.
A hand gently patted my back and through teary eyes I saw Duen grin devilishly and cursed internally.
You will regret shocking your P' like this, brat!
Don't you think I won't help Bohn to get back on you!
Slowly calming down, I slowly turned my head.
Please, let it be Bohn.
Anyone would be ok, really!
Anyone but-
"N'Ram. What a coincidence to meet you here", I forced out sarcastically, still coughing a bit.
He smiled a bit and greeted me.
"You can sit here, Ram! I was just about to leave!", Duen, that traitor, said eagerly and stood up.
"Leaving so early, N'Duen? Am I that bad of a companion?", I asked slightly teasing.
"No, no, of course not! I just promised P'Bohn to be back soon so…", hehe answered awkwardly, unwilling to be disrespectful but also unwilling not to give Ram some time with me.
Cursing my soft heart, I sighed.
"It's fine. I'm not offended easily, don't worry. Off you go"
Obviously relieved, he beamed at me and left with a bow.
Ram sat down and I sighed again.
"You're not playing fair, cool boy"
He smirked a little and tilted is head as if saying 'so what?'.
"You could have just texted me, you know?"
He just looked at me for a moment and then pulled out his phone.
Now you're going to text me?
Cool boy: I wasn't sure if you wouldnt run away again if I told you that I'd come too
I probably would have done just that but…
He really doesn't need to know that.
"I wont run away again as long as you don't bully me too much"
He raised his eyebrow and fuck.
Alright, deep breaths, King, deep breaths.
Cool boy: I don't bully you. You bullied me first
"I bullied you?", I echoed confused and frowned at the handsome junior in front of me.
He nodded stoic.
Thinking back, I tried to remember times where I could have bullied him.
"Ah, you mean because I kept greeting you?"
He denied it.
"Hm…? Then… Because I didn't help you with your homework lately?"
Ram denied that as well.
Slightly frustrated and confused, I tried hard to think of a time where I bullied him.
Not managing to come up with something, I looked at him.
Cool boy: Not able to recall it?
"No. I honestly don't have a clue what you're talking about"
Cool boy: You keep teasing me all the time but you don't even recall it
I keep teasing him?
Maybe he's referring to me coming close to him more or less often?
"Ah, you mean because I leaned on close whenever I was tutoring you and the others?"
He nodded.
Cool boy: It's not nice to keep other's hope up without any intentions of taking responsibility
Once again lost, I looked at him perplexed.
"Taking responsibility?", I echoed and started to feel like a parrot.
Cool boy: You really should take responsibility, P'
Feeling helpless, I didn't know what to respond.
Cool boy: Are you speechless now?
I couldn't help but agree.
Honesty is the best defense right now.
"Yes. You really made speechless… Where do even take all that courage and confidence?"
He smirked and the way his eyes lit up was, as always, mesmerizing.
Me feeling stunned by him being handsome is starting to get old…
Will I ever stop being so whipped for him?
Cool boy: Since you agreed to take responsibility, I wiko trust you and won't mention it again!
He smiled and I couldn't but cry internally.
Why do I feel like I jumped right into a trap?
N'Ram, what are you doing to me?
Do you even know how much power you have over me?
I couldn't help but smile as well.
He seemed genuinely happy.
He's the cutest.
I want him to keep smiling at me like this…
For him to be happy and relaxed around is astonishing.
What did I do to deserve him as my soulmate?
He's so warm, soothing and just so, so beautiful.
I love him.
I am certain I do.
I fell hard and fast for him.
It has been merely some months but that's ok.
It's scary to realize a thing as important and life changing as this and I probably won't say it out loud any time soon.
N'Ram, you don't know this yet, but I love you.
And in my heart I will keep saying it until I get to tell you about my feelings for you.
I won't rush things.
And if you don't fall for me then that's ok as well.
I ache for your love.
But I can wait.
I WILL wait, till you're ready.
For what?
We will see.
I will be there, right beside you.
Whether as your future boyfriend or as your friend, I'll be there for you.
My heart was full with nothing but undying love and affection for him.
My soulmate.
My love.
Smiling lovingly, I watched him eat the cake he had ordered.
Will you fall for me, cool boy?

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