Fate Is A B*tch

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I don't know why but EVERYONE is obsessed with soulmates these days.
I mean, of course it's awesome to find your soulmate and having soulmarks is fascinating too but why do we have to talk about this all the time?
I've seen Bohn's mark over a hundred times by now and I am pretty sure I could draw it from memory at this point.
We've been friends for years now and every person we meet asks if we are soulmates even when you can clearly tell that our soulmarks look nothing alike.
Everyone has their soulmark on their wrist so it's rarely covered or hard to spot.
The fascinating thing about soulmarks is that they're weird looking.
The things you and your soulmate love the most are mixed up in a weird and mostly really funny way.
Bohn's mark is a fist, he really has anger issues but you didn't hear it from me, that is holding a rose that smiles in a rather threatening way.
The mark is absolutely perfect and pretty to him, of course.
Mine is a wolf that is smiling in a goofy way, like one of those huskies on the internet, who is wrapped up by a blooming vine.
Taking those marks serious is pretty hard but they're beautiful and unique.
However, I would prefer taking care of my plants instead of having to sit through a two hours presentation on "How to tell if your soulmate is your actual soulmate".
I don't know, maybe by taking a look at your soulmark and see if it is identical with your partners mark, Jenna?!
But here I am because my friends might be bigger idiots than I thought.
"Come on King, this is important! Stop looking out of the window", Boss hissed.
Did I mention that I had to pay to be here?
I sighed and looked at my phone.
Almost done.
"In conclusion, if your marks aren't identical they most definitely aren't your soulmark"
Who would have thought, not me.
I gathered my things and got up.
"Where are you going? There will be another one in ten minutes"
"I agreed on tutoring some of the freshman, sorry" I answered, waved and left.
Another two hours of absolute boredom which will end with the conclusion that our soulmarks actually identify soulmates is not something I can handle.
Don't get me wrong.
I like learning more about our marks but wasting my time like this is just unnecessary.
"P'King! P'King, wait!"
I turned around and saw N'Duen running towards me.
I smiled at him and we greeted each other.
"N'Duen, how can I help you?"
"I wanted to ask if you've seen P'Bohn anywhere. I can't find him but he asked me to bring he something"
"He, Boss and Mek are currently sitting in a lecture about soulmarks but they should be done around 7 pm"
Duen checked his phone and frowned a bit.
"It's only 5 pm and I have to go he soon"
"I will be here for a few more hours to study and do my homework so you can give me whatever you want him to have" I said softly.
Not what I had planned but studying and doing homework never hurts.
A bright smile lit up his whole face.
"Really? I dont want to bother you"
"It's fine. Just give it to me so that you can go home"
He pulled a box out of his bag and handed it to me.
"Thank you very much, P'! I owe you something"
I just smiled at him while shaking my head.
"It's alright, don't worry about it. It's only natural for a senior to help their junior. Can I help you with anything else?"
N'Duen hesitated.
"Ah well, some of my friends are struggling with their maths homework and I heard that you tutor some of those who have problems with it"
"Where are your friends? I'll go and see if I can help them"
"Another bright smile appeared on the younger man's face.
"You are too kind, P'. They're in the mensa. Thank you very much, again. Please tell me when you need help with something. I'll do my best to aid and support you as good as possible"
I laughed softly and ruffled his hair a bit.
"Will do. Now stop worrying and go home. I got this"
He waved at me and walked away.
I carefully put the box for Bohn into my bag and made my way towards the mensa.
When I entered, I looked around trying to find the juniors I wanted to help.
"P'King, we are here!"
I walked towards them and sat down.
"N'Duen said you have some problems with math?" I asked.
"Yes P', I don't understand how to solve this problem here…"
I took a look at it and started explaining it to them.
After a while they got the hang of it and became more confident.
I was explain another problem when my mark suddenly began to tingle.
I rubbed it a bit, trying to get rid of the irritating feeling.
Maybe I should apply some skin lotion?
It grew stronger over time and slowly but surely I had trouble to concentrate on the juniors.
When I was about to leave because I couldn't focus on anything else anymore I heard foot steps and looked up.
Puppy like eyes met mine and I froze.
Bohn had described his first eye contact with N'Duen as electrifying and that he suddenly had felt the strong urge to hug him but this was nothing like that.
I felt cold and hot at the same time and as if I had too much energy all of the sudden.
I didn't know where to look but the eye contact was too intense for me to handle.
And still, I couldn't look away.
The boy seemed just as surprised as me.
"Ram, there you are! I thought you got lost on your way here", one of the others said, ripping me out of my frozen state.
I blinked rapidly and looked down on my wrist.
My soulmark stared right back at me, seemingly glowing and pulsating.
I didn't think I would meet my soulmate all of the sudden like this, especially since I knew a lot of people already.
That it would be one of the freshman who is friends with N'Duen who is Bohn's soulmate was just too much of a weird coincidence for me to think of.
He was still looking at me.
I could feel his eyes on me, heavy but warm.
"Right…I got distracted by my brother that's why I'm late", he said.
And oh, his voice!
So beautiful and soft and so, so sweet.
The burning desire to hear him talk again hit me like a truck and I clenched my teeth to surpress a gasp.
I had heard that the reaction on soulmates can be very overwhelming and strong.
But THIS… This was nothing like how others had described it.
It was sweet like candy but sudden and tense like a thunderstorm.
How am I supposed to handle this??
How am I supposed to talk to him when my reaction is this extreme already?
Will I get a heart attack when I do as much as to touch him???
No one prepared me for this!!
What the hell?!
This is the worst and simultaneously the best thing that ever happened to me and I don't know if I like it.
Where is Bohn when I need him??
"Hey King, you're still here?"
Could it be???

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