A Sucessful Day

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"Poems are awesome! You can easily win a girl's heart with nothing but a good, romantic poem!", Boss said while grinning like an idiot.
"That's true but that also means you'd have to be a poetic and creative person in order for it to work"
"Tew! Why do you always appear to do nothing but to make fun of me? King and Bohn are doing that more than enough already", Boss pouted.
I looked up.
"Tew, long time no see. How are you doing?", I asked and he smiled and sat down next to me.
"I'm doing alright. I studied a lot for the exams but since you sent me your notes I did pretty well. My mother had some problems with my father so I didn't had time to spend time with you guys"
"But now they get along again?", Bohn asked.
Tew grinned at him.
"Aww, are you worried? That's so cute. But yes, everything is fine", he teased and Bohn rolled his eyes and gave him a punch against the arm.
"I don't think there are many who'd call Bohn 'cute'", I laughed and the others agreed.
"That's true. No one but his beloved Duen", Boss giggled and Bohn glared at us.
"You are assholes, all of you!"
"But you love us", Mek answered and winked in a cheeky way.
"First of all, no. Second of all, most definitely not"
"What not even King? That's harsh", Boss teased and I laughed at them.
"This does wound me, you know? Haven't I been a great best friend? Are you not calling me your brother from time to time?", I asked and put a hand over my heaet, acting dramatically.
"How can you break his heart like this, Bohn? So cruel", Tew added, sighing disappointed.
Bohn, looking flabbergasted, glared at us.
"Stop teaming up on me! This is bullying!"
"Says the bully", Mek shot back, grinning gleefully.
When Bohn just glared at us and pouted we all broke into laughter and he ended up joining in.
"Seriously, you guys are such assholes", he forced out, still laughing and breathless.
"But you love us and you can't deny it", I responded cheeky and he just rolled his eyes.
"Awww, we love you too", Boss said theatrically and forced a hug onto Bohn, teasingly trying to kiss his cheek.
"Oi, stop it! Leave me alone!"
"It's ok, no need to be shy", Mek chirped and joined Boss.
Tew and I just laughed at them, throwing in cheers and words of encouragement for Mek and Boss from time to time.
The panicked yelling of Bohn and fake, high-pitched love confessions of both Mek and Boss ended up attracting our juniors.
I didn't notice them at first since I was sitting with my back to them.
A quiet "Don't act rashly, Duen" attracted my attention and I turned around to see the juniors standing behind me.
Duen, who had a sour expression that screamed jealousy, was discussing with his friends.
Ram was there as well and my heart fluttered at the sight of him but I had no time for that.
I carefully stood up as to not alarm the others and walked over to calm them down and settle the misunderstanding as fast as possible.
"You don't have to worry, N'Duen. They're just playing around. It's nothing serious"
Surprised, they looked up and met my eyes.
"You call that playing around? They are literally kissing!", one of the juniors hissed and I glared at him.
Duen always failed to understand Bohn when he was jealous but now that it's his turn to be jealous, he and his friends seem to know everything, I thought.
I wasn't a short tempered person but slowly, the behavior of the juniors was getting on my nerves.
Duen wasn't the only one who suffered from the fallouts he and Bohn had.
Bohn ended up crying and feeling heartbroken as well.
He hated himself for always acting impulsive and I knew that.
It was me he talked to in those moments and I was always there to comfort him.
What do they know about him and my friends?
"Do you not know joke around with your friends? It's always better to have an open mind and carefully examine the situation at hand before judging, Nong", I scolded, my voice sharp with anger.
The junior, obviously shocked at my angry reaction, avoided my eyes and mumbled an apology.
I locked eyes with Duen who was just as shocked as the others.
Should I just tell him the harsh truth or should I be calming instead?
"Do you want me to tell you what I'm thinking about your behavior right now or do you understand why I'm upset with you and your friends in this situation?", I asked and the juniors looked at each other.
Ram was doing nothing but observe me.
He was calm but looked a tiny bit surprised as well.
"The truth. I want you to tell me your honest opinion and the reason why you are upset with us... With me in particular", Duen answered after a moment of consideration while looking at me with firm eyes.
He's seems so shy and harmless but he can be quite fierce, huh?
"Whenever Bohn is jealous you get angry with him because you fail to understand him and honestly I don't think you are trying to understand. It always ends with both of you being upset. You aren't the only one who cries after another dispute, N'Duen. It hurts Bohn as well. I comfort him every time as good as I can but he hates himself for being that way and you probably didn't even think about how he feels. I understand that it's hard and that you are suffering as well. But to be a couple means trying to work with these problems and solve it. To stay silent and not communicate your feelings isn't going to change anything for the better. Bohn isn't good with expressing his feelings but he's trying. So do yourself and Bohn a favor and try as well. Talk about what makes you feel jealous or sad and try to find solutions together. It will help the both of you and it builds trust. I hope you understand that I'm not saying this to be harsh but to make you see the situation from Bohn's side as well"
A long silence followed my speech but I knew that Duen was taking my words serious and was thinking about them.
His friends stayed quiet as well.
I could feel Ram's eyes on me and looked up to meet them with mine.
His pokerface was pretty good and I didn't know him good enough to tell what he was thinking about but he seemed to be lost in thoughts and not angry.
Which relieved me a lot.
I just knew he was the type of person who would get really scary when angry.
"I... I understand what you are saying and see what I did wrong... I will try to become a better boyfriend for Bohn and take his feelings into consideration as well and not jump to conclusions so fast", Duen finally said and I smiled and relaxed.
"You can always come and ask when you aren't sure about something or if you don't really understand him, you know? I'm his best friend and know him for years now. I support his relationship with you and I will help. So don't hesitate to come to me, alright?"
The tension left his body and he smiled brightly and nodded.
"Thank you for your honesty, P'. I needed that"
"No problem, Nong", I responded and patted his head affectionately.
"Oi King, are you flirting with Duen behind Bohn's back?", Boss yelled and earned a slap from Bohn and Tew.
"Ow! No need to be so brutal"
"Stop talking nonsense! King would never do that and you know that! Others could misunderstand", Bohn hissed and Boss immediately started looking around.
He seemed to be genuinely alarmed and worried that someone might misunderstand his teasing and actually believe it.
Good thing there weren't many around and those that were close enough to hear it were classmates of us.
"Are you done showering Bohn with the love we all know he wishes for?", I asked teasingly and Boss and Mek grinned at me.
"He fought back a lot but we were able to give him some smooches", Mek said and Boss nodded proudly.
"Stop laughing you asshole! Don't think I don't remember that it's your fault they did this to me!", Bohn growled and I laughed at his annoyance.
"It's ok Bohn, we all know you are giant softie", I said, only half jokingly and shot a glance at Duen who caught the hint and smirked.
"So there IS the possibility of him being the bottom", the soft looking junior muttered to himself and I snorted.
Leaning closer to him, I acted all secretly and made sure that Bohn caught the gesture.
"He craves love and cuddles and sweet kisses just as much as you, if not more. He always acts like a cool bad boy but he loves watching romcons and is all in all nothing but an awkward softie", I whispered and Duen nodded fascinated.
"P'King do you know if... if he has any weak spots... Physically, I mean", he asked, blushing a bit and grin formed on my lips.
"You don't want to be the bottom, hm?"
He blushed a bit more but nodded shyly.
"Well there are couples where the cute looking one tops the tougher one so... Why not? Besides, you already are the one who calls the shots in your relationship"
His eyes sparkled with glee and excitement after hearing that.
"So?", he asked hopeful.
"I know that he has rather sensitive ears and that his neck is pretty sensitive too", I stopped for a moment, thinking about anything else I could say for sure.
"I think he's rather sensitive to touch in general... But I guess, the inner thighs are always a sensitive area and I think you could make him blush..."
Excited, he grabbed my shirt.
I leaned in a bit closer to ensure no one would hear me.
"He drives you around sometimes, right?"
He nodded.
"When he's driving, when it's safe of course, then you can put a hand on his leg and wait till he got used to it and doesn't think much of it. Then try rubbing it softly and slowly but surely make your way to the inner thigh. You should have a firm, confident grip. I'm pretty sure you'll get a reaction out of him that way"
Duen, who was glowing with excitement, nodded eagerly.
"I see, thanks P'! I'll make sure to try it and enjoy my victory over him!"
I laughed at that and patted his head again.
"Good luck, I'm sure you'll succeed"
"Are you done having secrets with my boyfriend, King? Or should I leave?", Bohn interrupted, faking annoyance.
I smiled and shook my head.
"I'm done sharing secrets with him. He's all yours"
Bohn immediately took his boyfriend's hand and started pulling him away.
I waved at them and winked at Duen.
The junior grinned and winked back.
"Thanks again, P'King! Have a nice day!"
"You too! Enjoy your time with Bohn!"
Ah, young love.
I wonder how Bohn will react and deal with it when Duen actually does what I suggested.
With a smile on my lips I turned back to my friends.
"You sure are evil, P'King", Ting Ting said amused.
"Evil? Me? I'm an innocent angel", I joked and the juniors smiled amused.
"We know exactly that, whatever you suggested, it was something that will help Duen gain the upper hand in his relationship"
The smile on my lips grew and I just shrugged.
"Who knows maybe he will succeed"
They shook their heads in amusement and even Ram smiled a bit.
What a successful day.

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