Idiots And Friendship

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I woke up feeling calmer and more collected than the day before.
It was still early so I took a look at my notes for the quiz and did some homework.
Since I still had time left, I wrote down some instructions and explanations for the juniors so that they would have something that would help them remember the things I explained.
After I was done, I looked it over again.
N'Ram wasn't there yesterday when I explained it and I probably won't have the time to explain everything again.
Hm...what to do?
I don't want him to fail or forget anything…
I will write down some more explanations and instructions for him specifically.
That's what every good teacher does, right?
After I had done that as well I looked it over.
The paper for Ram had more detailed explanations and step-by-step instructions than the one for the other juniors.
Is this favoritism already?
It isn't, right?
I sighed.
Who am I kidding, of course it is.
No one does this much for a mere stranger.
I'm whipped for him already, am I not?
I met him once and I'm a mess.
This soulmate thing really hits different when it's about you and not your best friend.
My phone started ringing and I looked at it.
Why on earth is Bohn up this early and calling me?
I answered the call, feeling a bit worried.
"Bohn? What's wrong?"
"He is cheating on me!"
I frowned and straightened my back.
"Duen is cheating on you?"
"Yes! I saw him with another man!", Bohn hissed and the pain in his voice hit me hard.
Whatever happened, Bohn is dead set on the fact that Duen is actually cheating.
"Alright listen, I will come to you as fast as possible but you have to calm down, ok? I know this is hard but I'm sure that there's an explanation for this“,I said while rushing to pack my bag.
I made sure not to forget the notes for the juniors.
" Ok… I'm at the gate"
He hang up and I threw on a jacket, grabbed my bag and rushed out.
Oh Bohn, this is the third time for you to think that he's cheating when it's probably just a friend.
This much jealousy and insecurity really isn't healthy and not good for a relationship…
As fast as I could I sprinted to the gate where Bohn was waiting.
I arrived feeling tired and panting.
Gasping for air I looked at my best friend.
"What happened?"
Bohn frowned at me and patted my back.
"You really didn't had to sprint here. Try to take some deep breaths, ok?", He said and handed me a water bottle which I took gratefully.
I drank a bit of water, focused on breathing regularly and after a few minutes I was able to breath somewhat normal again.
I should start jogging in the morning again.
"So what happened?", I asked, standing up straight.
"I saw him with another guy", he repeated and I sighed.
"That's what you said already. I mean, what exactly happened? Did they just talk?"
Ruffling his hair in angry frustration Bohn kicked a stone away.
"They were talking and then drove off on a motorcycle together"
I frowned at him.
"Maybe they were just friends?"
"I've never seen them together before!"
I rubbed my face and sighed again.
"Bohn, you are my best friend so listen to me when I tell you this: your jealousy is getting out of hand"
He glared at me but I could tell that he was thinking about what I said.
"What do you mean?", he asked, still glaring at me.
"Duen is a social butterfly. He is too kind and gentle to tell people off and makes friends easily. He wouldn't cheat on you. He isn't that kind of person. What matters now is for you to calm and focus on communication"
He frowned and scratched his neck.
"It isn't that easy"
"He isn't just your soulmate, he is your boyfriend. You HAVE to trust him, Bohn. Your jealousy will ruin your relationship if you don't communicate with your partner and explain why you are angry. He isn't doing anything wrong and I know that you struggle with talking about your feelings without sounding like an asshole but for the sake of your relationship, please, at least try. It helps, believe me"
Bohn looked conflicted and walked around for a moment before looking at me again.
"I- I understand what you mean but it isn't that easy"
"I know and I never said it was. However, talking about how you feel and trying to understand Duen's point of view will help you understand each other better. He isn't me, Bohn. He doesn't know you as long as I do. Communication is the key, trust me"
He sighed but nodded hesitantly.
"I will try to talk to him about this instead of giving him the cold shoulder and avoiding him and… And I will try not to become so angry and explain it… In a more gentle way than I usually would"
"Just try. Duen will know that you are putting in effort to communicate and will appreciate it, I'm sure of it. Now… Did you study for the quiz?"
He snorted and punched me lightly.
"Yes I did, mom. I think I'll do well. The one I'm worried about is Boss"
"Mek will help him cheat so I'm not that worried. But he really should put more energy into studying and doing his homework"
"What would he do without his hubby?"
We chuckled and joked around for a while before walking towards our university.
"What do you think, will Boss be too late or just right on point?", Bohn asked and I shrugged.
"He'll probably manage to be there on point because Mek woke him up and dragged him out of bed"
"P'King! P'Bohn! Good morning!", a junior yelled from behind.
We turned around and greeted the group of friends.
Duen and Ram were there as well.
"P'King, thanks again for helping me and my friends out yesterday", Duen said softly and I smiled at him.
"It's fine, I had a lot of fun tutoring them. By the way, I wrote down some explanations and notes for you guys so that you can review them while doing your homework or studying for exams", I said and pulled out the papers I had written.
"Oh wow thanks a lot, P'!"
I looked at N'Ram and handed him his.
"Since you were late yesterday and missed my explanations I wrote it down a bit more detailed for you"
He seemed just as surprised as everyone else and took the paper silently while staring at me.
"That's very nice of you, P'. I'm sure Ram appreciates it", Duen said.
Does he not like me?
Is that why he isn't talking to me?
"Would it bother you to show us your soulmark, P'King?", the girl, N'Ting Ting?, asked with glistening eyes.
I blinked a bit confused and looked at her.
"Ah, you don't have to if you're uncomfortable with it!", Duen immediately interfered slightly panicked.
"Uh, no it's fine. I was just a bit surprised", I answered and showed them my wrist.
I did not expect that this simple gesture would create as much chaos as it did.
One of the boys choked on air while the girl started to squal and to slap one of the other boys while another started to scream and ran away, Duen just smiled, Ram's eyes seed glued on my mark and I was just confused.
What on earth???
I pulled my arm away and frowned at the juniors.
"Are you guys ok?", I asked, genuinely concerned.
"They're just surprised at how goofy and cute it looks that's all. Nothing to worry about, P'King", Duen assured me and I nodded slowly.
"If you say so, N'Duen"
"What's with him? He keeps staring at King as if he has two heads or something like that", Bohn asked, frowning and slightly glaring at Ram.
Ah yes, Bohn's overprotective side is showing.
Truth to be told, I was as glad that he mentioned it as I was unhappy.
The staring made me feel giddy and nervous but I told myself that he probably wasn't actually staring at me.
There are plants behind me so he's probably staring at them.
Yep, that's it.
Everyone would stare at those beautiful plants.
That's completely normal.
I would do that and have done that, according to Bohn, several times already.
"He's just a bit shy and doesn't talk much", Duen answered, looking a bit worried.
"Ah and what about the staring?", Bohn replied sounding a bit passive-aggressive.
"We don't know if he's actually staring at me, Bohn. It's possible that he's looking at something behind me or anything like that", I interfered and effectively calmed my friend down, at least a bit.
He just huffed and crossed his arms.
"King, Bohn! Are we too late for the quiz yet!", Boss yelled, appearing out of nowhere from behind which made Bohn and me flinch.
"Aww, did I scare you?", Boss laughed and I sighed.
"Everyone would flinch when someone comes from behind and yells right into your ear", Bohn hissed irritated and Boss hold up his hands in defense.
"Alright, sorry. No need to be so angry"
"You know he didn't mean to anger you", Mek said in a pacifying manner and Bohn scoffed at him for taking Boss side once again.
And there was the underlying tension that appeared from time to time whenever Bohn got annoyed with Boss's and Mel's behavior.
The juniors probably noticed it as well, it's pretty obvious.
"We should go before we actually miss the quiz", I stated and turned to our juniors again in an attempt to defuse the tension.
"I'll come to you during lunch break so if you have questions I'll answer them then"
"Of course, thank you very much, P'!"
I smiled at them brightly and my friends and I left while Boss was whining about the quiz.
Seriously, sometimes I just don't know why I'm friends with him.

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