Single targets pass inspection

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Mary is angry that the one judge who she didn't pay off was the lead judge who found the tampered target.

Red dot is called back up.  The head judge announces that each contestant will have their name drawn and that is how the rest of the event will progress.
The judge apologises to red dot personally.  Maura tells her it wasn't her fault but thank you for the kind words.

Mary's name is called to shoot. This ticks off Mary but Mary plays it cool. Of her three shots, only two made it in the bullseye.  The second arrow barely missed the bulls eye. Maura smiled at Mary.
There were a hundred more shooters before Maura's turned arrived. Maura was the last shooter for the second part of singles.  Red dot landed all three of her shots in the bulls eye. Red dot has a history of being one of the few shooters who makes practically all her arrows hitting the bulls eye. The event announcer states lunch will be served and all are expected to be there No Exceptions.

Lunch is served.
Menu options.

Drinks: coffee lates, apple juice, orange juice,  fiji water, Dr. Pepper,  cherry cola and 7-up.

Salads:Chinese salad, tuna salad, and chef salad.

Soups: clam chowder,  barley,  chicken noodle, minestrone and tomato soup.

Jane chose fiji water, barley soup and chef salad. Maura chose cranberry juice,  fiji water, chef salad and the clam chowder.

Lunch was very tense for all which isn't the norm at these type of events.

The event announcer states the doubles will be next. Only fifteen doubles are left to compete in the final match. This event passes by quickly.  The awards ceremony is directly after the double event for all double contestants.  They never allow the single contestants and double contestants to have the same awards ceremony anymore after one ceremony turned ugly. Women booing and spewing insults at each other.

Bambi and Sandy won second place and took home ten thousand and a trophy each.  First place went to Carla and Brianna. Carla chose the hummer and Brianna chose the BMW along with  seventy five thousand each.

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