A new homicide case- the Boston strangler.

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This is a filler to give history about our building and some background information.

The entire Boston Police homicide unit, captain and police chief comes to the new homicide site. Cavanaugh took the lead on this case since it was a high profile case with lots of history. We all thought the Boston strangler died in prison several years ago. Other law enforcement agencies joined us in this case. Each agency took a portion because the the strangler caused havoc in several states. Each state came under scrutiny by the White House politicians and the Supreme Court.

Our department was in charged of the autopsy because Maura was highly respected in her field. The FBI did come and assist to update our sprinkler system so the only time a sprinkler in the lab would go off is if our lab had a fire in it. Our police department was a laughing stock between our state and Texas state when someone left a cigarette lit in a garbage can in the men's restroom.  Even though the Texas officer purposely caused the fire. In the end we find out he was the reason for the killings but played his part well. Maura's department findings is what closed this case.  The sprinklers went off and many pieces of which Texas brought for us to do testing on was ruined and our evidence was no longer good because it was co contaminated.  MAURA'S unit was the reason for us to find out who started the fire and why. This Texas Marshall had no plans returning to Texas. He was killed by our department's SWAT TEAM. None of us wanted that to occur again. We couldn't believe the new system was installed before the corpse was taken back to our precinct. We drove up and saw all of the front was blocked off and we had to walk to enter our own building. They easily had thirty trucks filled with piping, parts and had two buses come in with installers alone.

Our department was grateful and Maura and her team were pleased with the new sprinkler system.

Maura started on the autopsy.  She revealed the victim was sexually assaulted by another man and was killed before he was hung up on the warehouse beam. She passed her findings off to our unit and to Cavanaugh.  Cavanaugh was in charge of sharing the information to the other agencies leader of each agency.  All of the agencies agreed that only our governor would release the findings when the case is solved but no sooner.  We knew we would have many attempts in various forms of media to try to gather information. Each department made sure all internal communications was extra scripted with a virus to kill any leaks in the system. For now on all media and food deliveries including gifts and deliveries would be sent to a separate building.  Whomever ordered food would be responsible for picking it up.  All flowers were to be taken back to the florist.  Any supplies would be picked up by our officers and each item was scanned for any listening device and explosive devices before it was allowed im our building. All employees said personal deliveries from any delivery needed to be transferred to their own homes or they could cancel their ordered item. When we met to discuss the case, we were instructed to enter a sound proof room and all calls would be scrambled.

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