Chapter 1

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3rd POV

It was the normal Friday morning in class. Students talking to each other, Midoriya mumbling, Bakugo shouting at him to stop, Iida trying to make everyone sit down while their teacher, Mr. Aizawa, was sleeping again in the corner of the room. Nothing seemed different at first till there was a knock on the door that allerted everyone in the room.

Mr. Aizawa stood up upon hearing the door open only to be greeted by the school's principal and two adults who looked to be in their mid thirties. "And this is class 1a! Their homeroom teacher is Aizawa Shota." The small but extremely smart animal said with a big smile on his face.

"Principal Nezu what's going on?" Asked the tired teacher. "These two are looking for a class to transfer their daughter in." Nezu explained smiling up at him. "Another student? So my class is having two new students if they want their daughter here?" The tired man asked squinting his eyes before rubbing them.

"Wuahhh babe it's the class that kept getting attacked by villains! Isn't this the same class that the Yaoyorozu daughter attends?" The female exclaimed loudly enough for everyone to hear. "I thought it was Mitsuki's boy who was attacked?" The male thought outloud looking at his wife who has been clinging to his arm this whole time.

"Excuse me but how do you know my stude-" the tired teacher was cut off by two individuals. "MR. AND MRS. (L/N)?!" Everyone in the classroom stared at the two individual who was now known as Yaoyorozu Momo and Bakugo Katsuki.

"I guess we're both correct honey" the male said to his wife. "Momo it's good to see you again" the adult male said to the young female. "Likewise Mr. (L/-" the young female was cut off by the wife "Wuahhh!! It's been so long since I've last seen you Katsuki!" The ash blond only nodded in response.

"Ahem" they all looked at the tired teacher who looked like he was about to jump out the window. "Why exactly is their daughter transfering?" "She's been locked in her room and training room for two months without eating anything. They needed an excuse for her to leave her room and the support class can only do so much." The short principal whispered to the tired teacher unknown to them that the ash blond male heard it all and was starting to make a plan about it.

"I think she'll like it in the hero course. Don't you think babe?" The female said looking at her husband. "I guess so but that's up to the teacher" the male said petting his wife's head a bit to calm her down from being too hyper.

"I can make her leave her room"

With those seven words, wide eyed students, all their heads turned towards the male student with crimson red eyes and ash blond hair. "She never turns down a bet especially if it's against me. I can get her to transfer here." The students and the tired teacher stared at him in disbelief until one student agreed.

"Well that is true she never turns down a bet against you since you're both competitive." Now all their heads turned to the black haired female at the back of the classroom all simultaneously thinking in their head 'they're agreeing to something?!'.

"Wuahhh!! Thank goodness you'll do that it's been a while since I've last seen her out of her room. You can come by to her house later if that's okay with your teachers." The woman spoke as they all looked at the tired man. "Fine you can go do this bet but no money involved." The rest of the students were still quiet, still in disbelief from the words of the hot head, prim and proper, and their insomniac teacher.

"Great then it's settled you all can carry on with your day now." The principal said as he ushered the duo out the room. The moment they left the teacher expected them to start talking again but no one said a peep. "I don't get paid enough for this." And with that he rolls back into his sleeping bag.

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