Chapter 5

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The hooded girl looked at her smiling slightly. "W-well you see... I'm (Y/n) (L/n) one of the owners of the (L/n) company." Jaws dropped from her statement. "Y-you're her?!" The hodded girl only nodded.

"Well I have to go now. Bye Miss Fukui Yuka!"


As soon as the hooded girl left the agency doors, the two people who have been spying on her followed her to a nearby convenient store. "Ne, ne, Dabi, (Y/n)-chan's really pretty don't you think? She also looks cute with her glasses! I wonder how pretty she is with red" the teenage blonde started gushing a bit.

The man beside her only sighed leaving the girl to her thoughts. "I honestly don't know why Shigaraki wanted us to follow her." The man squinted his eyes as he watched the hooded girl reach for a bottled (f/d) from the fridge of the store.

"Miss (L/n) stay on high alert there are two people who seem to be following you. Neither of which do I recognize from your school or hero friends." The hooded girl hummed after her A.I. whispered into her ear.

After paying for her drink she walked outside skipping a bit. The two villains following her into an alleyway. "Oh! It's our lucky day Dabi! She trapped herself!" The shorter one whisper-yelled at her companion.

Both villains stopped their tracks when they didn't see their target in the alley. "Where did she go?"the blond tilted her head. "I'm right here~" the hooded girl was now behind them trapping them in the alley.

The man shot fire towards her but when he stopped she was perfectly fine. Her head was tilted slightly, with a finger at the corner of her mouth. "Ha? You tried to kill tried to kill me!" The hooded girl giggled with delight.

"D-dabi what happened? Why wasn't she affected?" The blond asked shaking her companion's arm. "I..I don't know..." The girl giggled a bit louder making them both shudder.

The hooded girl walked closer to them. They both backed up to a wall of ice which they didn't notice appeared. "Listen here...come for me again...I won't regret taking your breaths away." The duo started to lose hair.

"You feel that? Your lives are tied to me. No matter how far you are. I'll find you~ by the way~ the name's (Y/n)!" The hooded girl then turned into mist, the wall of ice disappearing, the duo started coughing and panting.

"S-she's crazy..." The blond started to tremble. The male on the other hand was still wide eyed. He started to chuckle a bit. "Now I know why handy man wants her. Heh I want her now too."

"Are you crazy dabi?! She almost killed you!" The blond looked at him as if he was losing his mind. "Says you blood sucking leech. Let's go back."


The hooded girl was in her room back at her own home choosing her clothes for the dinner meeting with the number one hero.

(A/n:here's your mansion(PS. ignore the people in the picture) and you can choose which of these two and what color. Btw there's a hood on the clothes you wear because you're anxious about your elf ears even though there are mutants.)


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