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It was early noon in the dorms of Class 1A. It was the perfect day. Valentine's Day was on a Sunday. Meaning no training no fighting just relaxing.

Some students of class 1A were trying to figure out what to give to the girl who can get the world if she wanted. Currently they were all at the common lounge.

"Why is this so hard..." The redhead spoke up first. "Maybe because the girl we all like has the world's fate twisted around her finger. One wrong move and everything is gone." The young Todoroki spoke up.

"Well...there is one thing that only a handful of people who know her know what she really wants." The lavender haired male spoke up making the others quickly look at him.

"Got that right, eyebags." The ash blond male smirked. "Are you gonna tell us?" The electric blond looked at them almost pleading.

"Think about what type of girl she is then you'll be able to find out." With that the two men walked away. The Raven haired female giggled making the boys turn to her.

"What?" They all asked. "Knowing (Y/n), she'll be making something for everyone." They all tilted their heads confused.

"CLEAR THE KITCHEN PEOPLE!" Everyone jumps from the scream as they looked towards the door. They saw a tired hooded female with paper bags in her arms.

"Are you okay (Y/n)-chan?" The pinkette asked tilting her head. "Ah! Yes I'm fine thank you for asking Mina-chan I just came back from a long line of people wanting my autograph while I was in the store having to wait in line to pay for all of these." The short girl smiled innocently but with a hint of death, to which her classmates shivered.

The girl walked to the common kitchen dropping the bags before walking towards the elevators. "Do not misplace anything." As soon as the doors closed, everyone let a breath of air out.

"She's scary." The grape head spoke. The rest of them nodded. "What's inside anyways?" The ravenette male asked before walking up to the bags.

"Don't touch them. I'll do it." The ash blond male walked up to the bags. "If she knows that you touched them you'll die. If it's me, I won't die." He says as he takes everything out. "That bitch has OCD so it's better if I do it."

Before anyone could ask, the elevator doors opened revealing the hooded girl in a fress pair of clothes. They watched as the girl walked to the kitchen.

"...who touched my-" her words were cut with a small piece of chocolate stuffed to her mouth. They all looked at the person who stuffed her mouth realizing it was their teacher, Aizawa.

Her eyes widened a bit but shut closed as she chewed happily enjoying the small piece of chocolate not realizing the blushes and stares she recieved from the people around her.

'Adorable...' They all thought at the same time. "Did you like it (Y/n)?" The ravenette teacher asked as she nodded rapidly. "Yeah thanks Aizawa-sensei!" The girl smiled blinding him, making him use his scarf to cover her mouth.

"Being too bright bitch. Also I fixed your ingredients on the counter you gonna keep it to yourself or are you gonna do a show?" Some students' ears perked up. "Imma do a show." The hooded girl smirked.

The girl moved the the ingredients to the side before taking off her slippers sitting in a lotus on the counter. They watched her weirdly.

But as soon as she closed her eyes, she started to levitate. The ingredient bags opened, one by one the ingredients floated around her head. The students and their teacher watched as the ingredients combined into a liquid chocolate.

The liquid chocolate turns into heart shaped chocolates Their eyes wide, jaws were slightly open. The hooded female slowly opened her eyes levitating back down looking at the chocolates.

She looked back up at her classmates and teacher with a close-eyed smile. The chocolates fall into small heart shaped bags, a colored ribbon on each showing which bag is for who.

"Well? Are you taking them or not?" Her classmates take them shouting all at once. "THANK YOU (Y/N)-CHAN!/(L/N)-SAN!" The girl giggled lightly.

A while after there were only three left on the counter. "Who's are those (Y/n)-chan?" The pinkette asked pointing at the three bags.

The hooded girl looked at the bags then smiled. "Ah! Those are for Neito-kun, Hawks and Tensei." The girl smiled shyly. Their eyes looked at her in disbelief. "PRO HERO HAWKS?!" The girl nodded. "And my brother?" The girl only nodded again.

Before anyone could shout again, the doors opened wide. "Chickadee!" The winged hero ran towards the hooded girl jumping onto her hugging her, his limbs wrapped around her.

This ticked off some students as well as their teacher. "Hawks get off of her. Now." Said the glaring teacher. Hawks only smirked at him. "Hawks get off! Don't make me use my quirk!" The female squeaked out.

The winged male sighed pouting before letting go of her. "But feather! I skipped patrol for you! I want attention." The girl sighed before pushing a bag of chocolate to his chest slightly blushing. "Stupid bird. Get back to patrol or else I'll call your assistant."

The winged hero looked at the chocolate bag blushing while looking at it with wide eyes. "I gotta go now guys I still need to go to class B then Hosu, Bye!" The female ran out the door carrying the two bags.

"She's adorable..." The winged hero stared at her decreasing figure in the distance. This caused the other to glare at him. "But of course. Love can't continue without rivalry right...heroes?" The winged male looked at the students and their teacher smirking at them.

Their teacher chuckled. "You're right, and it seems to be a lot of competition Hawks. For now let's let her enjoy this day for herself."

(A/n): it's a short side chapter but uh yeah I was kinda running out of ideas for a side chapter so I'm sorry if it wasn't eventful. But anyways that's two chapters in one day (Asian time/ somewhere in Asia) so yeah!

1076 words

See you in chapter one my little snowflakes! ❄️

🤍Yuki Tenshi Otosu, Out!✌️💙

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