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I wake up in Bret's bed completely confused as to where I was for a minute. I looked behind me to find Bret sleeping peacefully. I smile then grab my phone to check the time. It was 9:23 a.m. and I had close to twenty missed calls, all from Chris. Damn it. I hesitantly called him and waited from him to answer. It rang three times before he answered.

"Hi daddy. " I say timidly.

"Where are you?" He asks simply.

"In Bret's tour bus. Sorry I didn't come back last night I kinda fell asleep. Sorry." I apologize.

"It's fine. Just get over here in... less than twenty minutes. We leave in twenty five." He replied calmly hanging up.

I get up causing Bret to stir in his sleep. I grab my shoes, put them on then walked out. I was almost half way out of the bus when I was stopped. I turned around seeing Bret in a pair of plain blue skinny jeans and some socks. His anti gravitational hair was flattened yet still sticking up in places.

"Where are you going?" He asked in his sexy morning voice.

"I'm going back to the bus. Chris wants me there in less than twenty. Why?" I ask.

"Just wait right here. Like don't go anywhere." He says walking off.

I wait for a couple minutes before he comes back with his normal clothes on and his hair was anti gravitational again. We walk out the door together to head down to the bus. We're about half way there when Bret grabs a hold of my hand. He intertwines our fingers and continues walking.

I get lost in thought the rest of the way there. I was thinking about why he was holding my hand or just plaguing myself with questions. I was so lost in thought I hadn't even noticed we were at the bus. We were standing behind the door just looking at each other. I heard done commotion going on in the bus then the door swung open hitting me in the face.

"Heav- oh. Found her! Not the way I wanted to find her but I found her." Balz said.

"What was that last part Balz?" I heard Chris ask leading to Balz pointing at me and Chris freaking out.

I was still laying on the ground holding my nose which was most likely broken. There was blood all over the place. It was gathering in my hands then dripping through the cracks in between my fingers onto the ground. I kicked Balz really hard as he was sightly laughing at Chris' panick. He grabbed his shin screaming bloody murder.

"Now you know my pain. Thanks for hitting me with the door asshole!" I exclaim causing Chris to become serious.

"You did this?" He asked pointing at me.

"Um well... it was an accident! I didn't know she was behind the door! For all I knew she was down the street but was she? No she wasn't! She was in the wrong place at the wrong time!" He argued.

I shrugged my shoulders. I mean he did have a point. He didn't know I was behind the door nor did he know that I was back yet. And I kinda was in the wrong place at the wrong time without even knowing it.

I got up and patted Blaz' shoulder with my elbow then headed inside. As soon as I walked in Jessica started snickering while the guys looked at me confused. I stopped then looked at them. I pointed my head in the direction of the bathroom going someone would understand me. Ghost was the first one to stand. He walked over to the bathroom then opened the door for me.

After I was in he followed me in and shut the door. The bathroom is actually pretty big. It was big enough to fit the whole band plus their instruments minus the drums. He sat me down on the toilet then found a washcloth. After wetting it he cleaned the blood from my face then took a look at my nose.

"Well good news..." He said moving my nose a little. "Your nose isn't broken, just fractured. So you don't have to go to the hospital."

"Thanks Ghost." I said as he was putting everything away.

"No problem. Just don't get in anymore trouble today. Now go say bye to Bret, we're leaving in five." He said. M

I nod and walk out. I walk past every one seeing that Jessica was still laughing for some reason. Bret sees me and immediately perks up. I smile then hug him, softly kissing his cheek as I pulled away.

"Thanks for last night Bret. Even though we didn't really talk or anything I just really needed someone who didn't pressure me into talking about what I didn't want to talk about. But we're about to leave so you might want to get back to your bus." I say.

He nods, waves then heads back to his bus. When he's out of sight I shut the door then sit on the couch. We're about half way to the next place when I start paying the X box. The guys gather around me and watch me closely. I laugh as I notice them getting really into the game and start cheering me on and use hand gestures. Boy is this gonna be a long tour.

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