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I stomped off after yelling at Chris for what he had done. I sat on Chris' messy unmade bed waiting for him to just come barging in. After about five minutes he finally came. He didn't say anything he just hugged me as soon as he saw me. I held onto him tightly softly crying in his shoulder.
"It just hurts Chris. She fucking hated me and yet I cared for her!" I cried.
"It's ok Sweet Pea. I know it hurts and I know I'm idoit for letting her go. But just know that I'm here for you and I'll take care of you, I promise." He whispers against my head.
I continued to cry while he held me for about an hour. We only separated when there was a knock on the door. Chris opened the door to Ricky telling him that we were close to the last venue of the tour. Chris told him to just call us when we were finally there.
"Chris why'd you do it? Why'd you break up with Jessica?" I asked.
"Well I was tired of all her shit and I hated the fact that she was treating you the way she was." He answered.
"I love you."
"I love you too Sweet Pea."
The remedy for who we are and what lies beneath
I sang along to the song while I was drawing. I was drawing an anime version of the band. Soon the sound of five pairs of feet filled the hallway. I heard whooping and screaming from fans. Not too long afterwards the door to the dressing room swung open.
"Hi guys! How was the last concert?" I asked while putting my drawing away.
"It was awesome! The crowd were amazing!" Balz exclaimed.
"Remember we still have fans coming backstage. Ya know the fans with backstage passes?" Ricky said.
"Yeah yeah we know Ricky! You said it like five times already." Ghost complained which started an argument.
"Would you guys stop bickering? Gah!" Ryan yelled over them.
"Could you all shut up?! The fans are coming!" Chris demanded.
I looked up from my random doodling to see ten to fifteen people walk in all at once. To be completely honest I'm scared of people so with so many people I instantly ran to Chris. I sat in his lap causing me to get weird looks from fans.
"This is my daughter Heaven everybody." Chris chuckled.
"Hi." I said shyly while waving getting a few people to say hi.
"She's shy." Chris said getting a few chuckles.
"Thanks dad." I said sarcastically.
"You're welcome Sweet Pea." He answered with a smile causing the guys to laugh.
"Fuck you guys." I said causing everyone to laugh.

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