Ghost In The Mirror//1

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Hi! My name's Heaven Kinlaw. I'm 16 and a half, I have black hair, brown eyes, I've been considered emo by pretty much everyone so I decide to stick with it. Oh let's get back to whatever I should really be telling you. Well I think there's one thing there's one thing I should tell you... I'm dead. Lucky you I'm going to tell you how I died, are you ready? So I guess I should start from the beginning right? I'll just start from a month after my mom died.

I was sitting at the place I call home because, well, it's the only place I have. I was sitting at my desk drawing when my phone rang. I picked it up and looked at the caller I.D. It was my Aunt Cassidy.

"Hi Aunt Cassidy! Not meaning to sound rude or anything but why are you calling me?" I asked curiously.

"Heaven there's something I need to tell you. I know who your real father is and where you can find him." She said.

"Really?! You do?! Well tell me already dammit!" I rushed.

"Watch your language! His name is Christopher Ceruli and he's currently in the motel right down the road from you."

I couldn't believe what I just heard. Christopher Ceruli A.K.A Chris Motionless of Motionless In White is my father? My biological father?! What the hell!

"Heaven did you hear anything that I just said?"

"No I didn't. Can you repeat it?"

"I want you to pack up your stuff and get down there before your step dad comes home you understand? You'll have a better life with him. I don't care what he says, you are his daughter and just in case he doesn't believe you, go into your mother's room and look where she keeps important things. You'll find you birth certificate that has his name on it. Now you only have a couple hours so hurry up!" And with that she hung up.

Go into mom's room? I haven't been in there since she died but if it's really that important I have no choice. I get up from my chair and run into her room. I spend five minutes looking for my birth certificate and once I found it I ran straight to my room to pack up. I take the suitcase from my closet then I start throwing my things in it. I throw in my few clothes, my drawing stuff, my phone charger, and my cds. As soon as I get everything in my suitcase it's 6:30 which means I have thirty minutes to get out of the house and down to the hotel before my step dad gets home. I grab my phone and stuff it in my pocket as I head out the front door. Goodbye hell hole I think as I shut the door and run down the street.

I run until I get to the hotel then I walk inside. When I opened the door I was hit with the smell of vanilla. I looked around the lobby that wasn't very big until I saw the desk. I walked up to the man standing behind the desk and cleared my throat. He stopped typing on the computer and looked up at me.

"Yes how may I help you?" He asked nicely.

"I'm looking for someone that's here, do you think you could help me?"

"Yes I can help. Who are you looking for?"

"A man named Chris Ceruli or Chris Motionless."

"Ah yes here he is." He said.

He told me the room number and I headed up to the room. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that Chris Motionless is my dad. The ride up to the room ended sooner than I thought. I walked down the hallway until I found the room I was looking for. I knocked and hesitantly waited for someone to answer the door.

"Chris get the door!" I heard someone yell from inside.

Not too long afterwards the door opened. I looked at the man that stood there. He had short yet long black hair, brown eyes, makeup all over his face, dressed in all black and looked like he was drunk even though he wasn't. I tensed up as I looked at him and saw four other figures pop up behind him. He looked a little scarier in person.

"Who are you?" The man dressed in black standing in front of me asked.

"I-I'm Heaven. I'm your daughter." I answered timidly.
#&!&!&! $&$&
So I know I said I wanted your opinion but I just couldn't wait to write it. It was way to tempting of you know what I mean.
Picture is Heaven...
Anywhore enjoy the chapter and vote/comment/ all the other stuff!

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